Increased crop yield, improved efficiency, less wasted product. These are just a few of the benefits you get when you take advantage of precision farming. Precision farming systems provide you with information on how to farm your land on a unit basis instead of a field-by-field basis. Engaging in precision farming gives you more knowledge of what’s going on in your fields. That means you can focus less on the technicalities of operating the tractor and more on the health of your crops.
Every farm isn’t the same, so naturally, not every operation needs the same precision farming system. John Deere has designed several systems to fit a range of precision agriculture needs. Some of the systems are as simple as showing you where to make the next pass in your field while others are as advanced as giving you real-time data on exactly what is needed in specific areas of your fields.
Elevating your farming operation means saving time and money while improving your farm’s efficiency and sustainability. Invest in the future of your operation with John Deere’s precision farming solutions.