John Deere AutoTrac Universal 200

DEBUG Ind: Agriculture, Cat: Precision Agriculture, SubCat: , SubSubCat:
Feature Overview
John Deere AutoTrac Universal 200
Realize the benefits of AutoTrac on Non-Deere machines.
  • Make long days easier with equipment and technology that works together for you.
  • Increase productivity by being able to cover more ground.
  • Reduce overlap and maximize inputs.
  • Reduce fatigue and improve operator experience
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*Inventory shortages may cause extended delivery dates

*This price does not include attachments and accesories

Value Your Trade
Feature Overview
John Deere AutoTrac Universal 200
Realize the benefits of AutoTrac on Non-Deere machines.
  • Make long days easier with equipment and technology that works together for you.
  • Increase productivity by being able to cover more ground.
  • Reduce overlap and maximize inputs.
  • Reduce fatigue and improve operator experience
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Request a Demo/Quote

*Inventory shortages may cause extended delivery dates

*This price does not include attachments and accesories

Value Your Trade

Operates with hundreds of equipment platforms using all levels of StarFire™ Receiver accuracy

Silver logo denotes the ATU 200 Silver logo denotes the ATU 200

The AutoTrac© Universal (ATU) 200 steering kit is a mobile guidance solution that brings additional productivity to farming operations throughout the growing season.


ATU 200 is approved on over 450 different equipment platforms and is compatible with all levels of StarFire accuracy.


The benefits of the ATU 200 over the original ATU include:

  • Improved on-track line performance
  • Faster line acquisition
  • Serviceability

AutoTrac Universal 200 steering kit AutoTrac Universal 200 steering kit
Quick and easy setup Quick and easy setup

With the mobile AutoTrac Universal (ATU) 200 steering kit, producers can leverage their investment in AutoTrac across many approved machine platforms throughout the growing season.


This means producers can move their ATU 200 steering system from their planting tractor in the spring, to their sprayer in the summer, then into their combine, and finally to their tillage tractor in the fall.


Best of all, the ATU 200 moves from machine to machine in about an hour depending upon the platform. By moving this system, operators can experience the value of automatic guidance year-round.

Achieve critical accuracy of in-field operations Achieve critical accuracy of in-field operations

As equipment gets larger and margins tighter, accuracy of in-field operations and input placement is more critical than ever.

When making a pass in a field, traveling from one end of the field to another, the position accuracy of the return pass is critical. Pass-to-pass accuracy means the planter guess rows will be accurate and subsequent passes are less likely to result in crop damage.

Repeatability defines how accurately the receiver calculates its position over a relatively long time window.

AutoTrac reduces overlap AutoTrac reduces overlap
AutoTrac maintains speed AutoTrac maintains speed

Farming requires multiple passes. This requires a method of guidance with a high degree of repeatability in order to minimize overlap (extra cost of seed, fertilizer, chemical and machine hours) and skips (loss of production).


Maintaining repeatable accuracy is important in all operations, especially with cropping practices that require multiple passes through the field. AutoTrac creates more consistent row spacing, reducing the potential for crop damage with subsequent passes through the field.


University studies have shown that operators tend to overlap 5 to 13 percent over the course of an entire day, which could mean up to 60 cm (23 in.) of overlap with a 6 m (19 ft) tillage implement. This means that a producer with 300 ha (740 acres) actually works and pays for 330 ha (815 acres).


With reducing overlap by using AutoTrac more ground is covered in the same time and inputs like chemicals, fertilizer, fuel, labor and machine hours are reduced.

Reduced overlap with AutoTrac

Field 1

4.72 percent

Field 2

8.03 percent

Field 3

12.74 percent


8.50 percent

GPS accuracy versus manual accuracy

AutoTrac© assisted steering system greatly increases operator productivity by maintaining consistent accuracy and efficiency. Operators remain more alert while they are in the field and are able to focus on implement settings and varying field conditions. AutoTrac also allows operators to confidently create evenly spaced rows past sunset, as well as in rain, dust, or fog.

AutoTrac increases productivity AutoTrac increases productivity

AutoTrac also improves operator comfort as the operator has time to concentrate on implement tasks.

Reduce compaction with AutoTrac© guidance system Reduce compaction with AutoTrac© guidance system

As tractors and field equipment become larger and heavier, there is a growing concern about soil compaction. Heavy equipment and tillage implements can cause damage to the soil structure. Soil structure is important because it determines the ability of a soil to hold and conduct water, nutrients, and air necessary for plant root activity.


By using AutoTrac, operators can optimize the number of passes and reduce compaction. Additionally, the operator can confine traffic between certain rows and avoid compacting the row area.


AutoTrac allows producers to use the same traffic lanes year after year, sacrificing a small portion of the field in favor of having no wheel traffic in the majority of the field. Restricting traffic to specific lanes also provides a firm soil surface for more efficient tractor operation.


Without using AutoTrac during field operations, there is tendency for passes to overlap. Each pass over a field under poor conditions can cause significant damage to the soil.

AutoTrac© guidance steering system allows operators to use tramline management more effectively, minimizing soil compaction. Additionally, AutoTrac allows the machine operator to select from a variety of guidance modes including straight track, AB curves, adaptive curves, circle track, boundary fill, machine access, and swap track. These tracking options allow the operator to select the track best suited for the field and conditions reducing the number of passes needed to cover the field.

Curve track
Curve track Curve track

The curve track mode helps operators by automatically steering curved guidance lines on terrain that does not allow for straight track to be used (rolling hills or contours).
When running with curve track, keep in mind these basic principles:

  • Straight track is more accurate than curve track.
  • A machine with an integrated AutoTrac steering kit is more accurate than a machine with the AutoTrac Universal (ATU) steering kit.
  • Slower speeds are more accurate than faster speeds.
  • Gentle curves are more accurate than tight turn radius curves.
Types of curves
Simple curve







Two different modes can be used depending on the type of curves that need to be created: adaptive curves or A/B curves.


Adaptive curve track


This track allows the operator to record a manually driven curved guidance line. Operators using a GreenStar© 3 2630 Display have the ability to record and utilize multiple adaptive curves per field. This feature is especially useful as operators maneuver around terraces or irregular, constantly changing fields. Adaptive curve mode also has the ability to connect line segments when documentation is selected as the recording source. Self-propelled forage harvester or combine operators may find this functionality useful if they need to quickly raise their header for any reason.

The curve adapts, if driven around an obstacle The curve adapts, if driven around an obstacle
The curvature of the line changes down the field The curvature of the line changes down the field

A/B curve track 


This track allows the operator to set a curved line in a field with two end points (A and B) and will generate guidance lines parallel to the initial track in either direction.

Skip pass Skip pass

The line stays the same across the field, and an operator can use skip track.

Field obstacles Field obstacles

Even if an operator drives around an obstacle in the field, the next pass follows the original track line.

Straight track
Subsequent passes are identical to the first pass Subsequent passes are identical to the first pass

The straight track mode helps operators by automatically driving straight. Operators can create an initial straight line using a variety of different setup options.


Once the track has been defined, all subsequent track lines in the field are created parallel to each other at the defined track spacing distance.

Manual circles with Parallel Tracking guidance systemt
Circle track mode on the display Circle track mode on the display

The circle track mode helps operators drive concentric circles in a field when a circle is set up and guidance is being used. Operators can create an initial circle using a variety of different methods. Once the initial circle has been defined, all the subsequent circles in the field are created.


Circle track is available in Parallel Tracking mode. Pivot Pro activation must be purchased to use circle track with automatic guidance.

Concentric circles with Pivot Pro
Pivot Pro tracking mode Pivot Pro tracking mode

The Pivot Pro module allows the operator to automatically guide a machine in defined concentric circles in fields with center-pivot irrigation systems.


Circle track functionality is included with GreenStar Basics, allowing the operator to manually guide the machine around the concentric circle without an upgrade activation. Pair Pivot Pro activation with GreenStar AutoTrac to have the machine drive circles automatically.


Pivot Pro is approved for level fields, as accuracy can be degraded as slope increases. If there is slope in the field, there is the potential the circle track space and the center-pivot tower track will not match up. Keep in mind, AutoTrac draws the circle spacing as if the plane were level.

Follow track mode reduces compaction
Active Implement Guidance© uses the follow track mode Active Implement Guidance© uses the follow track mode

Unique to John Deere Active Implement Guidance, the follow track mode assists the driver when operating headlands or navigating around obstacles, allowing the implement to follow the tractor guidance path. This helps reduce crop damage and soil compaction.

Tramline management
Tramline screen Tramline screen

Tramline management provides the opportunity to setup and edit certain guidance lines as tramlines. Those lines will be highlighted in a separate color in the guidance screen. Tramline management is available on the GreenStar 3 2630 Display in straight track, AB curve, and circle track modes.

Tramlines can be set and stored for each A-B line in the display. This allows the operator to properly seed and plant fields with accurate tramlines defined. This will make it easier to reduce inputs on all following field operations such as spraying.

NOTE: Tramline management is not currently available on the GreenStar 3 CommandCenter© controls.

Swap track
Swap track provides operators the ability to quickly switch guidance modes as they work through fields varying geographic conditions. Operators can easily move from straight track to any of the other tracking modes as needed. Swap track allows the operator to toggle between up to four different guidance lines within the same field on the GreenStar 3 2630 Display. Operators can also change the track order while AutoTrac is engaged.
Swap track is available on the GreenStar 3 2630 Display.
NOTE: Swap track is not available on the GreenStar 3 CommandCenter.

This document lists all the compatible equipment approved with the software update 19-2 release, and is subject to change with newer software updates. To ensure complete and proper compatibility, the most current version of implement control unit software, Generation 4 Display software, or compatible farm management information software (FMIS) should be used. Non-current software versions will require an update before support can be provided. Unapproved software version configurations will not be supported.

The software update 19-2 release is only compatible with 4600 CommandCenter© v2 processors. Software update 17-2 is the last release that was compatible with 4600 v1 processors.

Server serial numbers are as follows:

  • v1 = RWG prefix
  • v2 = PCG prefix
Machine compatibility

John Deere Large Ag Tractors

John Deere Large Ag Tractors
(list of all automatically detected machines)
Model year CommandCenter display  Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
9R/9RT/9RX Series 2018 and newer X --- X X
9R/9RT/9RX Series 2015-2017 * --- X X
9R/9RT Series 2012-2014 --- --- X X
9030/9030T Series 2008 and newer --- --- X X
9020/9020T Series 2002-2007 --- --- X ---
9000 Series 1997-2001 --- --- X ---
9000T Series 2000-2001 --- --- X ---
8R/8RT Series 2018 and newer X --- X X
8R/8RT Series Mid-2014 - 2017 * --- X X
8R/8RT Series 2010-2013 --- --- X X
8030/8030T Series 2006 and newer --- --- X X
8020/8020T Series 2002-2005 --- --- X ---
8010/8010T Series 2000-2002 --- --- X ---
8000 Series 1994 --- --- X ---
8000T Series 1997-1999 --- --- X ---
7R Series 2018 and newer X X X X
7R Series 2014-2017 * --- X X
7R Series 2011-2013 --- --- X X
7J Series 2018 and newer --- --- X X
7030 Series 2007 and newer --- --- X X
7030 Series (Large Frame) 2007 and newer --- --- X X
7030 Series (Small Frame) 2006 and newer --- --- X X
7010 Series 1997-2003 --- --- X ---
7000 Series 1992-1996 --- --- X ---
6030 Series (Small Frame) 2006 and newer --- --- X X
6000 Series 1992-1998 --- --- X ---
6010 Series 1999-2002 --- --- X ---
6R Series 2018 and newer X X X X
6R Series (Final Tier 4) 2015-2017 * --- X X
6R Series (Interim Tier 4) 2013-2015 --- --- X X
6M Series 2013 and newer --- --- X X
6J Series 2018 and newer --- --- X X
5R Series 2019 and newer --- --- X X

*NOTE: For latest Precision Ag functionality, update machines equipped from the factory with v1 processor to v2. The 4640 Universal Display is not compatible with SeedStar© 4HP Planters when installed on 00, 10, and 20 Series Tractors.

John Deere Nutrient Applicators

John Deere Nutrient Applicators

Model year CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
F4365 High-Capacity Nutrient Applicator 2017 and newer X --- --- ---

John Deere Self-Propelled Sprayers

John Deere self-
propelled sprayers
Model year CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
4 Series Sprayers  2018 and newer X --- --- ---
4 Series Sprayers  2013 - 2017 --- --- X ---
4940 2012 - 2014 --- --- X ---
4630 2008 and newer --- --- X ---
4730 2008 and newer --- --- X ---
4830 2008 - 2014 --- --- X ---
4930 2008 - 2013 (SN 4000+) --- --- X ---
R4040i 2014 and newer --- --- X ---
R4050i 2017 and newer --- --- X ---
5430i 2008 - 2014 --- --- X ---
Hagie© sprayers 2014 and newer Compatible with GreenStar© 3 2630 Displays and 4640 Universal Displays*

*NOTE: When using the 4640 Universal Display on a Hagie Sprayer, additional mounting and harnessing may be required.

  • 4640 Ram© Mount - SJ34503
  • 4640 power/video harness - BPF11527 (1-3 video plus machine power), PF90687 (machine power only)

NOTE: Current John Deere/Hagie field kits only offer GreenStar 3 2630 Display parts.

NOTE: AutoTrac© Vision/AutoTrac RowSense and multi-rank section control are not supported on Hagie at this time.

NOTE: VIN detection is not supported on Hagie Sprayers at this time.

John Deere Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters (SPFH)

John Deere Self-Propelled
Forage Harvesters

Model year CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
9000 Series SPFH 2019 and newer --- --- X ---
8000 Series SPFH 2015 and newer --- --- X ---

John Deere combines

John Deere combines Model year CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
S700 Series 2018 and newer X --- --- ---
S430 and S440 2017 and newer X --- --- ---
S600 Series 2012 - 2017 --- --- X X
S540 and S550 Series 2012 and newer --- --- X X
T-Series 2012 and current --- --- X X
W-Series 2012 and current --- --- X X
70 Series 2008 - 2013 --- --- X X

NOTE: Competitive equipment may be compatible with 4640 Universal Display and 4240 Universal Display. For additional compatibility information, contact a John Deere dealer.

Equipment compatibility

John Deere planters

SeedStar© 4HP planters are only compatible with 4600 CommandCenter displays with a version 2 (v2) processor and 4640 Universal Displays. Displays should be running Generation 4 OS software version 10.10.404-390 or newer and the most current version of tractor applications to be compatible with SeedStar 4HP planter applications. Additionally, dual-display mode is available for use with SeedStar 4HP planter applications, along with Generation 4 Extended Monitor. SeedStar 4HP planters are compatible with no more than two GreenStar Rate Controllers.

The SeedStar 2 configuration below is available only on factory-installed model year 2011 and newer planters and may be field-installed on model year 2009 and 2010 planters. Green PM/PA controllers (factory-installed on model year 2009 and 2010 planters) are not supported with a Generation 4 display.

A Service ADVISOR© tool (available at a John Deere dealer) is needed to update SeedStar 2, SeedStar XP, and SeedStar 3 HP software. Documentation is not supported when using a rate controller to control row clutches on a John Deere planter.


John Deere planters Control unit name Software version (or newer) CommandCenter display  Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240*
SeedStar 2
Black PM1 22.0 X X X X
Black PA1, (if available PA 2) 22.0 X X X X
Green PM1 10.11 --- --- --- ---
Green PA1 (if available PA 2) 10.11 --- --- --- ---
SeedStar XP
Black PM1 22.0 X X X X
Black PA1, (if available PA 2) 22.0 X X X X
PM2 7.0 X X X X
SeedStar 3 HP
Planter Main A (PCMA) 5.0 X X X X
Planter Main B (PCMB or MMC) 8.0 X X X X
Row-unit Controller (RUC) 2.0 X X X X
EPG 3.0 X X X X
SeedStar 4HP
Planter Apps 10.4.2-29 X --- X ---
Planter Main A (PMCA) 5.0 X --- X ---
Planter Main B (PMCB or MMC) 6.0 X --- X ---
Row-unit Controller (RUC) 3.0 X --- X ---
Electrical Power Generation (EPG) 5.0 X --- X ---
Electrical Power Module, 2 (PC2) 3.0 X --- X ---

*NOTE: For implements requiring ground speed input (radar), utilizing a 4240 Universal Display may require an additional 4240 Radar speed kit.

John Deere Air Seeders

The C850 Air Cart requires a 4600/4200 CommandCenter Display or a 4640/4240 Universal Display. GreenStar 3 2630 monitors are not supported. Additionally, C850 Air Carts and AutoTrac Implement Guidance (passive) are compatible with software update 18-2 and newer.


John Deere Air Seeder Model year/control unit name Software version (or newer)  CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240*
C850 Air Cart
Cart Master Controller (CMC) 12 X X X X
Mini Tank Controller (TXC) 6 X X X X
Front, Middle, Rear Tank Controller (TCU) 6 X X X X
1870 Seeding Tool - TruSet© system 2017 and newer (IDC) 5.0 X X X X
1870 Seeding Tool - RelativeFlow© blockage sensors 2017 and newer (BMU) 4.0 X X X X
1910 Air Cart - ground drive 2009 and newer 3.0 X X X X
1910 Air Cart - hydraulic drive
2013 and newer 8.00 X X X X
Seeding tools with air-run blockage - primary blockage
2009 and newer (BMU) 12.0 X X X X
Seeding tools with air-run blockage - air-run blockage 2009 and newer (BMU) 12.0 X X X X
Member Module 5.0 X X X X
1990 Central Commodity System (CCS©)
2009 and newer (BMU) 12.0 X X X X
N500C Series Seeding apps 10.1.495-31 X --- X ---
SMCA or SMC 2.0 X --- X ---
SMCB or BMU 2.0 X --- X ---
EPG 2.0 X --- X ---

*NOTE: For implements requiring ground speed input (radar), utilizing a 4240 Universal Display may require an additional 4240 Radar speed kit.

John Deere Tillage

John Deere Tillage Control unit name Software version (or newer)  CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
AccuDepth© cultivator Implement Depth Control (IDC) 11 X X X X
2730 with TruSet
Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.66K X X X X
2230 with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.75K X X X X
2330 with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 3.35K X X X X
2620/2630 with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1)


2720 with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.24K X X X X
2660VT with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.03K X X X X
2430 with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.14K X X X X
2510H with TruSet Tillage Controller 1 (TC1) 2.85K X X X X

*NOTE: For implements requiring ground speed input (radar), utilizing a 4240 Universal Display may require an additional 4240 Radar speed kit.

John Deere Round Balers


John Deere Round Balers Control unit name Software version (or newer) CommandCenter Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
0 Series Baler Automation 10.07 X X X X
9 Series Premium
Baler Automation 7.16 X X X X
V451R/V461R  Baler Automation 11.5 X X X X



John Deere Large Square Balers

John Deere Large Square Balers
Including Harvest Tec applicator and PhiBer accumulator
Control unit name Software version (or newer) CommandCenter  Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
0 Series Gen 4 VT 3.04 X X X X
1 Series
Gen 4 VT 5.07 X X X X
Precision Ag Technology software compatibility
John Deere control units Control unit name Software version (or newer) CommandCenter display  Universal Display
4600 v2 4200 4640 4240
*StarFire 6000 Receiver --- 4.10J X X X X
StarFire 3000 Receiver --- 2.32H X X X X
*Modular Telematics Gateways (MTG) - 3G --- 21.03 X X X X
*MTG - 4G --- 25.01.746 X X X X
GreenStar Rate Controller --- 3.70K X X X X
GreenStar Rate Controller Dry --- 2.11A X X X X
*John Deere Rate Controller 2000 --- 1.13A X X X X
*AutoTrac Universal 200 --- 2.30A --- --- X X
*AutoTrac Universal 300 --- 3.22O --- --- X X
AutoTrac Controller 250 --- 11933B --- --- X X
*AutoTrac Controller - Deere --- 1.11B --- --- X X
AutoTrac Controller - Raven --- 3.2.29 --- --- X X
AutoTrac Controller - Reichhardt® --- SW 1.3 --- --- X X
AutoTrac RowSense© RG3 AKK15783F X --- X ---
AutoTrac Vision VGC 4.01L X --- X ---
AutoTrac Turn Automation --- 19-2 X --- X ---
AutoTrac Implement Guidance --- 19-2 X --- X ---
Active Implement Guidance (VT) Application 1100 2.71 T X X* X X*
iGrade© Application 1100 2.71 T X X X X
Distance Trip Application 1100 2.71 T X* X X X
Gen 4 Extended Monitor     X --- X ---
Wireless Data Server Wireless Data Server

1.541.2 (Planting)

X --- X ---
Mobile Data Transfer MyTransfer© app

3.8.6 (iOS®)
3.8.5 (Android©)

Connect Mobile app Connect Mobile app 8.0.1 or newer X --- X ---
Connect Mobile server Connect Mobile server 2.3.87-1 X --- --- ---
Mobile Weather Application 1120 1.51 V X X* X X*
Manure Constituent Sensing Manure Controller 19.06 X --- X ---

*NOTE: See additional information below.

StarFire Receivers

StarFire Receivers can be updated in the following ways:

  • Receiver USB port (available only for StarFire 6000 Receivers)
  • Generation 4 display USB port
  • Remote software updates application (in ISOBUS VT app)

Additionally, StarFire iTC Receivers are no longer supported with software update 2017-1 and newer software. StarFire 6000 Receivers require software version 3.80F or higher when used with AutoTrac Implement Guidance.

John Deere Operations Center

To use RDA on a Generation 4 CommandCenter Display with a GreenStar 3 2630 Display connected in the same machine, GreenStar 3 2630 software version 3.22.1095 (SU2014-1) or higher is required (for 4600 CommandCenter Display and 4640 Universal Display only).

GreenStar Rate Controller and GreenStar Rate Controller Dry

GreenStar Rate Controller Dry is supported with display software update 2017-2 and newer. The 4600 and 4200 CommandCenter Displays and 4640 and 4240 Universal Displays support documentation and section control of up to five GreenStar Rate Controller units.

To update the GreenStar Rate Controller and GreenStar Rate Controller Dry, utilize a Generation 4 Display USB port. John Deere dealers can also utilize Service ADVISOR©. GDC 2.11A was the last software version available through Software Manager. GDC 2.20A has been available since spring 2015 and contains diagnostic language updates. This software can only be obtained through Service ADVISOR.

John Deere Rate Controller 2000

The Generation 4 Displays and John Deere Rate Controller 2000 can support documentation and control up to five operations. ISO controllers such as SeedStar or TruSet can be used alongside a John Deere Rate Controller 2000 that is documenting additional operations. The John Deere Rate Controller 2000 will not control the planter clutches or half-, third-, or quarter-width disconnects on a John Deere planter.

AutoTrac© Vision

AutoTrac Vision Guidance Camera 19-1 software 4.01L is only compatible with RowGuidance 3 Controller software AKK15783F and GreenStar 3 2630 17-1 software 3.34.1345 or newer and Generation 4 18-1 software 10.10.404-345 or newer. 

AutoTrac Universal 200, AutoTrac Universal 300, and AutoTrac Controller

AutoTrac Universal 200, AutoTrac Universal 300, and AutoTrac Controllers are for use with the 4640 Universal Display and 4240 Universal Display. Please see a John Deere dealer for exact model compatibility.

ISOBUS implements

Generation 4 Displays are compatible with one Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) certified ISOBUS implement; AEF-certified ISOBUS implements with Task Controller Section Control (TC-SC) functionality and AEF certification for TC-SC include sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, planters, seeders, manure applicators, etc. For third-party FMIS compatibility, reference the John Deere Operations Center.

A software update performed by an authorized ISOBUS implement dealer may be required to obtain compatible software. ISOBUS implements must be certified through the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) to be recognized by the Generation 4 CommandCenter display. Visit for more information; visit for an active list of compatible implements.

ISOBUS implements with VT4 are now supported by Generation 4 Displays. Generation 4 Displays still support older VT versions (example: VT2 and VT3). If an implement is not loading after updating to Generation 4 software update 2017-2 (or newer on 4600 CommandCenter v2 processors), it is recommended that the implement manufacturer be contacted to get a software version that is either VT3 or VT4.

Extended monitor

When using an extended monitor with equipment visualized in ISOBUS VT Viewer and applying VT run page modules to two run pages shown at the same time, the extended monitor’s VT modules will not update. To mitigate this, only view VT modules on one run page at a time.

Implements without controllers

Implements without controllers can be documented as a stand-alone operation or with a rate controller from John Deere. Additionally, multiple implements without controllers cannot be documented together.

AutoTrac Implement Guidance (passive)

AutoTrac Implement Guidance is compatible with SeedStar 3HP, SeedStar 2 and SeedStar XP.

AutoTrac Implement Guidance is compatible with C850 Tow-Behind Air Carts with software update 18-2.

AutoTrac Implement Guidance is not compatible with the SeedStar 4 HP planters.

AutoTrac Implement Guidance is not compatible on 4240 Universal Displays for shared signal applications.

AutoTrac Turn Automation

To use the AutoTrac Turn Automation application, specific compatibility is required. AutoTrac Turn Automation is compatible with the following machines:

  • 8030 Series Tractors
  • 9030 Series Tractors (if equipped with PowerShift© transmission)
  • Model year 2012 and newer 6R Tractors (if equipped with Infinitely Variable Transmission [IVT©] and ITEC© functionality)
  • Model year 2011 and newer 7R Tractors (if equipped with CommandQuad© transmission, e23© PowerShift transmission, or IVT)
  • Model year 2010 and newer 8R/RT Tractors
  • Model year 2012 and newer 9R/RT/RX Tractors

NOTE: Integrated tractor IMS must be turned off on 30-Series Tractors to use AutoTrac Turn Automation on the Generation 4. Integrated Tractor iTEC must be turned off on the following tractors to use AutoTrac Turn Automation on the Generation 4:

  • Model year 2012-2014 6R
  • Model year 2011-2013 7R
  • Model year 2010-2013 8R
  • Model year 2012-2014 9R

NOTE: If instead an operator chooses to use the machine’s integrated IMS/iTEC functionality, then AutoTrac Turn Automation and iTEC must be turned off in the Generation 4 Universal Display.

AutoTrac Turn Automation is compatible with SeedStar 3HP, SeedStar 2 and SeedStar XP.

AutoTrac Turn Automation is NOT compatible with SeedStar 4HP planters.

Distance Trip documentation

A UCC2 Application Controller 1100 with 19-2 software running on a 4600 CommandCenter v2 server enables documentation of field operations. If a UCC2 replaces a UCC1 Application Controller 1100 on a CommandCenter v1 server, documentation is not available. Refer to Tech Manual Bulletin 137919 to determine server type.

Camera compatibility

Voyager® cameras are supported on Generation 4 Displays. All other camera types are not supported.

Non-John Deere Precision Ag

4600 CommandCenter v2 and the 4640 Universal Display are compatible with the following RS-232 configurations with software update 18-2 and newer:

  • GPS receivers with serial port connection
    • Will not enable AutoTrac guidance functionality
  • Raven RS-232 control units (440, 450, or 660) on tractors configured as implement-based applications
  • Generation 4 displays are not compatible with the DN345 Drawn Dry Spreader at this time.

Machine Communication Radio (MCR)

Generation 4 displays are not compatible with MCR.

APEX© software

  • Generation 4 display work data is not compatible with and cannot be viewed in APEX software.
  • USB files including pre-assigned APEX tasks and iTEC© Pro sequences will not import into Generation 4 displays.

NOTE: Gen 4 data is only compatible with the John Deere Operations Center. All Gen 4 activations are machine specific and cannot be transferred to a different machine. If not using WDT, an 8- to 32-GB USB is r

Accessories and Attachments
AutoTrac Integrated Machine Kits
AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac Tractor Machine Kit - 8000T Series - PF90396

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

Machines must be GreenStar™ ready to be compatible with the AutoTrac machine kits. AutoTrac machine kits include the appropriate machine steering controller when necessary and AutoTrac-ready accessories. Display, receiver, and software to complete system sold separately.

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

AutoTrac Tractor Machine Kit - 9030 Series Wheel Scraper Tractor - PF90849

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac and GreenStar Ready Field Kit - Hagie Sprayers - BPF11531

AutoTrac SPFH base kit for non-ProDriveAutoTrac SPFH base kit for non-ProDrive

AutoTrac SPFH base kit for ProDrive transmissionsAutoTrac SPFH base kit for ProDrive transmissions

AutoTrac SPFH controller for 7000 and 7050 SeriesAutoTrac SPFH controller for 7000 and 7050 Series

Machines must be GreenStar™ ready to be compatible with the AutoTrac machine kits. AutoTrac machine kits include the appropriate machine steering controller when necessary and AutoTrac-ready accessories. Display, receiver, and software to complete system sold separately.

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

Combine vehicle kit for 70 SeriesCombine vehicle kit for 70 Series

AutoTrac Electrical Connector Assembly - 7020 or 7015 Models - PF90495

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4710 models AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4710 models

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4710 modelsAutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4710 models

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4720 modelsAutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4720 models

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kitAutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit

AutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4920 modelsAutoTrac sprayer vehicle kit for 4920 models

AutoTrac Sprayer Machine Kit - 4920 Models (PIN 003999 and Below) - PF90811

AutoTrac field-installed kits are now available for 6105R, 6115R, 6125R, 6140R, or 6150R MFWD Tractors.


These field-installed kits are an integrated guidance solution for John Deere 6R MFWD Tractors and are compatible with the GreenStar™ 3 or GreenStar 2 system components.


These kits contain all of the required hydraulic components and harnesses for field installation.


GreenStar display options:

  • GreenStar 3 (GS3) 2630 and CommandCenter™ 
    • AutoTrac activation for GS3
  • GreenStar 2 (GS2) 1800
    • AutoTrac activation for GS2

StarFire™ Receiver and signal options:

  • StarFire 3000
    • SF1, SF2 activation, or RTK

AutoTrac field-installed kits are now available for 6105R, 6115R, 6125R, 6140R, or 6150R MFWD Tractors.


These field-installed kits are an integrated guidance solution for John Deere 6R MFWD Tractors and are compatible with the GreenStar™ 3 or GreenStar 2 system components.


These kits contain all of the required hydraulic components and harnesses for field installation.


GreenStar display options:

  • GreenStar 3 (GS3) 2630 and CommandCenter™ 
    • AutoTrac activation for GS3
  • GreenStar 2 (GS2) 1800
    • AutoTrac activation for GS2

StarFire™ Receiver and signal options:

  • StarFire 3000
    • SF1, SF2 activation, or RTK

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit

AutoTrac Tractor Machine Kit - 6130R (FT4), 6120R, 6110R models with MFWD - BPF10989

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsAutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items
More AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsMore AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsAutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items
More AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsMore AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items
More AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsMore AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items

When paired with a StarFire™ receiver and GreenStar™ display, the integrated AutoTrac™  machine kit completes the components that automatically steer the machine. This kit is tied directly into the steering system on the machine and, therefore, provides optimum accuracy. The steering kit components cannot be moved across machine platforms.


Key features of the integrated AutoTrac steering kit:

  • Integration, for a clean look in the machine
  • Uses GreenStar components and AutoTrac software
  • Works with the Original, GreenStar 2, or GreenStar 3 systems
  • Uses SF1, SF2, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite signal

AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsAutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items
More AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsMore AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items
More AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit itemsMore AutoTrac tractor vehicle kit items

AutoTrac field-installed kits are now available for 6210R, 6190R, and 6170R MFWD Tractors.

These field-installed kits are an integrated guidance solution for John Deere 6R MFWD Tractors.


All required hydraulic components and harnesses for field installation are contained in these kits.


GreenStar™ display options:

  • GreenStar 3 (GS3) 2630 and CommandCenter™ 
    • AutoTrac activation for GS3
  • GreenStar 2 (GS2) 1800
    • AutoTrac activation for GS2


StarFire™ Receiver and signal options:

  • StarFire 3000
    • SF1, SF2 activation, or Real Time Kinematic (RTK)

AutoTrac Tractor Machine Kit - 6145R, 6155R models with MFWD - BPF10985

AutoTrac field-installed kits are now available for 6105R, 6115R, 6125R, 6140R, or 6150R MFWD Tractors.


These field-installed kits are an integrated guidance solution for John Deere 6R MFWD Tractors and are compatible with the GreenStar™ 3 or GreenStar 2 system components.


These kits contain all of the required hydraulic components and harnesses for field installation.


GreenStar display options:

  • GreenStar 3 (GS3) 2630 and CommandCenter™ 
    • AutoTrac activation for GS3
  • GreenStar 2 (GS2) 1800
    • AutoTrac activation for GS2

StarFire™ Receiver and signal options:

  • StarFire 3000
    • SF1, SF2 activation, or RTK

AutoTrac Tractor Machine Kit - 6135R model with MFWD - BPF10987

AutoTrac field-installed kits are now available for 6105R, 6115R, 6125R, 6140R, or 6150R MFWD Tractors.


These field-installed kits are an integrated guidance solution for John Deere 6R MFWD Tractors and are compatible with the GreenStar™ 3 or GreenStar 2 system components.


These kits contain all of the required hydraulic components and harnesses for field installation.


GreenStar display options:

  • GreenStar 3 (GS3) 2630 and CommandCenter™ 
    • AutoTrac activation for GS3
  • GreenStar 2 (GS2) 1800
    • AutoTrac activation for GS2

StarFire™ Receiver and signal options:

  • StarFire 3000
    • SF1, SF2 activation, or RTK

The AutoTrac system reduces overlap, saving time, fuel, and labor costs. Whether breaking stubble with tillage equipment, planting or seeding, spraying or fertilizing, it reduces implement overlap by up to 90 percent. It also provides faster headland turns because the AutoTrac system takes the guesswork out of the return path.

AutoTrac RowSense Kits for Mechanical Feelers

AutoTrac RowSense Mechanical Feelers (30 In. or 75 cm Row Spacing) - PF90697

 RowSense retrofit kit for corn head RowSense retrofit kit for corn head

RowSense retrofit kit for combineRowSense retrofit kit for combine

RowSense mechanical feelers (70-cm [27.6-in.] row spacing)RowSense mechanical feelers (70-cm [27.6-in.] row spacing)

AutoTrac RowSense Mechanical Feelers (45 cm Row Spacing) - Argentina and Brazil - BPF10266

RowSense mechanical feelers (56-cm [22-in.] row spacing)RowSense mechanical feelers (56-cm [22-in.] row spacing)

RowSense mechanical feelers (51-cm [20-in.] row spacing)RowSense mechanical feelers (51-cm [20-in.] row spacing)

AutoTrac RowSense Kits for Universal Sensor

Drago Corn Head Mounting Hardware - All Series 30" - PF90977

John Deere Corn Head Mounting Hardware - 90 Series 30" (MY2002-2007) - PF90794

John Deere Corn Head Mounting Hardware - 90 Series 30" (MY1994-2001) - PF91002

John Deere Corn Head Mounting Hardware - 600 Series 30" and 75cm - PF90843

Geringhoff Corn Head Mounting Hardware - NorthStar or Rota Disc Series 30" - PF90978

Case IH Corn Head Mounting Hardware - 2200/2400/3200/3400 Series 30" - PF90844

AutoTrac RowSense Universal Sensor - PF91001

AutoTrac RowSense Kit for Universal Sensor - Combine - PF90742

AutoTrac Universal Supplemental Kits
Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "I"
PF12364Hub, taper spline
PF12415Bracket, anti-rotation
Compatible models
Case® IH4WDSteiger®9310/9330/9350/9370/9380/9390
Case IH4WDSteiger91,92,9x10/9x30/9x50/9x70/9x80/9x90


Ag-Chem and TerraGator are trademarks of AGCO Corporation. CAT is a U.S.-registered trademark of Caterpiller Incorporated. Case and Steiger are U.S.-registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries.

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -"Q"

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "J"
PF12341Hub, taper spline
PF80987Harness, combo power adapter
PF12467Bracket, cab roof (StarFire™)
PF12440Bracket, anti-rotation
PF12441Spacer, anti-rotation

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "K"
 PF12339Hub, taper spline
PF12415Bracket, anti-rotation
 RE52952Clamp, band
Compatible models
Case® IHSprayerFLX4275/4300/4330/4375
Case IHSprayerFLX3275/3300/3330
Spra-Coupe®Sprayer4000 Series4450/4650
Spra-CoupeSprayer4000 Series4440/4640


AGCO, Willmar, and Spra-Coupe are U.S.-registered trademarks of AGCO Corporation. Case is a U.S.-registered trademark CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries.

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -"L"
PF90510Bundle, ATU supplemental kit "C"
PF80906Harness, two-pin/four-pin (mini terminator)
PF80921Harness, two-pin/four-pin (large terminator)
PF80975Harness, combine, StarFire™ extension
PF80976Harness, combine, GSD Y
PF80722Harness, StarFire to bulkhead
 AH171496Harness, StarFire adapter (metri-pack to Deutsch)
Compatible models


 John Deere Combine 9x60 9560/8560 STS™/9660/9660 CTS™/9660 STS/9760 STS/9860 STS/9860 Premium Series 
 John Deere Combine 9x50 9450/9550/9550 SH/9650/9650 CTS/9650 STS/9750 STS
 John Deere Combine 9x00/9x10 9400/9500/9500 SH/9600/CTS/9410/9510/9540 SH/9610/ CTS II

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "M"
Compatible models
Caterpillar® Lexion Combine450/465/470/475/485/460R/470R/480R (manufactured in 2002 or later) 560/560R/570R/580R/585R/590R


Caterpillar is a U.S.-registered trademark of Caterpillar Incorporated.

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "N"
Compatible models
Caterpillar®Lexion Combine450/465/470/475/485/460R/470R/480R (manufactured prior to 2002)


Caterpillar is a U.S.-registered trademark of Caterpillar Incorporated.

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "O"
Compatible models
John DeereCombine9660 WTS

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "P"
Compatible models
John DeereCotton stripper7460

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "R"

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit-AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit-"S"
Compatible models
John DeereRow-crop tractor6x00
John DeereRow-crop tractor6x10
John DeereRow-crop tractor6x20
John DeereRow-crop tractor6x30 Standard Series
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x00 Small Frame
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x10 Small Frame
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x20 Small Frame
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x30 Small Frame Standard Series
John DeereRow-crop tractor7xx0 HI Crop

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -"T"
Compatible models
John DeereSprayer4700
John DeereSprayer4x10
John DeereSprayer4x20
John DeereRow-crop tractor8x00
John DeereRow-crop tractor8x10
John DeereRow-crop tractor8x20
John DeereRow-crop tractor8x30
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x20 large frame
John DeereRow-crop tractor7x30 large frame
John Deere4WD tractor9x00
John Deere4WD tractor9x20
John Deere4WD Tractor9x30

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "U"

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "V"

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "W" - PF90890

Universal steering supplemental kit - XUniversal steering supplemental kit - X

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "Y" - BPF10791

AutoTrac™ is an assisted hands-free steering system that automatically steers the machine through the fields. For some of the competitive sprayers, an AutoTrac Universal Hub will be required along with other attachments. For complete compatibility information, see the ATU look up tool.

AutoTrac Supplemental Steering Kit - "AC" - BPF11275

AutoTrac Universal Guidance Harness Kit - BPF11129

AutoTrac Universal horn kit AutoTrac Universal horn kit

AutoTrac™ is an assisted hands-free steering system that automatically steers the machine through the fields. For some of the competitive sprayers, an AutoTrac Universal Hub will be required along with other attachments. For complete compatibility information, see the ATU look up tool.

AutoTrac™ is an assisted hands-free steering system that automatically steers the machine through the fields. For some of the competitive sprayers, an AutoTrac Universal Hub will be required along with other attachments. For complete compatibility information, see the ATU look up tool.

Original Greenstar display slotted bracketOriginal Greenstar display slotted bracket

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit -"A"
PF90454Bracket, anti-rotation
PF80864Assembly, GPS bracket
PF12140Hub, spline
Compatible models
Case® IHRow-cropMX Maxxum®100/110/120/135/150/170
New Holland®Row-cropTG210/230/255/285
Case IHTracksQuad375/425/450/500
Case IH4WDSTX®275/325/375/425/450/500
Case IHRow-cropMX Maxxum210/230/255/285
Case IHRow-cropMX Maxxum180/200/220/240/270
New Holland4WDTJ275/325/75/425/450/500


Case, Maxxum, New Holland, and STX are U.S.-registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries. McCormick is a trademark of McCormick International USA Incorporated.

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "AA" - BPF11130

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "B" - PF90518

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit, AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit, "G"


 AN191704 Clamp assembly
 PF12372 Bracket, anti-rotation
Compatible models
McCormick™Row cropZTX230/260/280
Case® IHSprayerSPX™4410
Case IHSprayerFLX™4010/4510
Case IHSprayerFLX3010/3510
McCormickRow cropMTX120/135/150/165/185/200
Case IHRow cropMaxxum®5220/5230/5240/5250
Case IHSprayerSPX3200/4260
Case IHTracksQuad380/430/480/530


McCormick is a trademark of McCormick International USA Incorporated. Case, SPX, FLX, and Maxxum are trademarks of CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries. AGCO and Willmar are U.S.-registered trademarks of AGCO Corporation.

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "F"


 A PF90510 Bundle, ATU bracket kit "C"
 B AH211594 Support, sssembly, GPS receiver
Not pictured PF80722 Harness, StarFire™ to bulkhead
 C PF80167 Connector plug, StarFire
 D PF80873 Harness, two-pin to convenience outlet
 E RE67015 Harness, convenience outlet to power strip
Compatible models
 John Deere Self-propelled forage harvester 7200/7300/7400/7500/7700/7800

Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "E"


 AN278232Harness, assembly, 9986/9996 Cotton (StarFire™ receiver)
 PF80906Harness, two-pin/four-pin (mini terminator)
 PF80722Harness, StarFire to bulkhead
 PF80873Harness, two-pin to convenience outlet
 RE67015Harness, convenience outlet to power strip
 PF90510Bundle, AutoTrac Universal (ATU) supplemental kit - "C"
Compatible models
John DeereCotton Picker9986/9996



Universal steering supplemental kit - Universal steering supplemental kit - "D"
Compatible models
New Holland®/Versatile4WD 9184/9384/9484/9684/9886
New HollandRow crop8x70A8670A/8770A/8870A/8970A
New HollandRow crop8x708670/8770/8870/8970
Buhler™Row cropGenesis2145/2160/2180/2210
New Holland/Versatile4WD 9282/9482/9682/9882
New Holland/Versatile4WD 9280/9480/9680/9880
Case® IHCombineAFX8010
New HollandCombineCR940/960/970/980
New HollandCombineCX840/860/880
New HollandWindrowerHW300/320/340
Hesston®Windrower 9260/9240/9230
HesstonWindrower 8550s/8450/8250s
ChallengerWindrower SP80/SP110/SP165
New Idea®Windrower 5830/5840/5850
Massey Ferguson®Windrower 9220/9420/220


Ag-Chem, RoGator, TerraGator, Challenger, Hesston, New Idea, and Massey Ferguson are trademarks of AGCO Corporation. New Holland and Case are trademarks of CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries. Buhler is a trademark of Buhler Industries Incorporated. CLAAS is a U.S.-registered trademark of CLAAS KGaA mbH Limited.

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "CB" - BPF11219

AutoTrac Universal Steering Supplemental Kit - "C" - PF90510

AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit, AutoTrac Universal steering supplemental kit, "H"


 A PF12243


 B PF12244 Saddle
 C PF12427 Telescope washers
 D PF12442 Bracket extension
Compatible models
Case® IHSprayerSPX™3150/3185/3310
Case IHRow Crop71x0 Magnum®7110/ 7120/7130/7140/7150
Case IHRow Crop72x0 Magnum7210/7220/7230/7240/7250
Case IHRow Crop89x0 Magnum8910/8920/8930/8940/8950


Case, SPX, and Magnum are trademarks of CNH Global N.V. and its subsidiaries.

GreenStar and Gen 4 Harnesses

GreenStar Ready Harness Kit - 6M (MY16) FT4 Cab - BPF11333

GreenStar Ready Universal Guidance Kit, Upgradeable - John Deere or Competitive Models  - BPF10139

Harness for Field Doc ConnectHarness for Field Doc Connect

GS2 to Orginal GS vehicle connector harnessGS2 to Orginal GS vehicle connector harness

GreenStar 2 third-party controller kit GreenStar 2 third-party controller kit

GreenStar desktop bundleGreenStar desktop bundle

GreenStar ISO implementGreenStar ISO implement

Right-hand consoleRight-hand console

Stand-alone harnessStand-alone harness

Harness - GreenStar Lightbar 4 Pin Extension - PF90937


Harness - GreenStar Mobile Guidance Kit - John Deere or Competitive Models - BPF10302

35-ft extension harness35-ft extension harness

GreenStar 2 vehicle connectorGreenStar 2 vehicle connector

GreenStar 2 vehicle connectorGreenStar 2 vehicle connector


Harness - StarFire 300 (1.8 Meter) - PF90857

Harness - StarFire Position Receiver Extension (30 cm) - BPF10200

Harness - StarFire Position Receiver Radar Adapter - PF90350

Receiver to cab-roof bulkhead connectorReceiver to cab-roof bulkhead connector

GreenStar Brackets
StarFire Receiver Deluxe shroudStarFire Receiver Deluxe shroud

StarFire Receiver Universal Mounting Bar Kit - BPF11356

GreenStar Tractor Bracket Bundle - 6B Tractors - BPF11167

Position receiver bracketPosition receiver bracket

Position receiver bracket and connector kitPosition receiver bracket and connector kit

Mounting kit for GS2 display control unitMounting kit for GS2 display control unit

Mounting kit for GreenStar 2 display Mounting kit for GreenStar 2 display

John Deere AutoTrac Controller Bracket - BPF10472

GreenStar Tractor Harness Bundle - 6B Tractors - BPF11184

GreenStar Tractor Bracket Kit - 9020 Wheel or 9020 Track Series - PF90199

GreenStar Tractor Bracket Kit - 9020 Series - PF90409

GreenStar tractor bracket kit GreenStar tractor bracket kit

GreenStar tractor bracket kit GreenStar tractor bracket kit

StarFire Receiver Bracket Bundle - BPF11185

GreenStar Display Cornerpost Bracket - S-Series Combines - BPF11186

GreenStar combine bracket kit GreenStar combine bracket kit

Deluxe Shroud Conversion Bracket Kit - RTK Base Station/Tripod - PF90781

Deluxe Shroud Conversion Bracket Kit - Large Frame 7000/8000/9000 Model Tractors or 4700/4800/4900 Model Sprayers. For Series 00, 10, 20 or 30. - PF91010

Deluxe Shroud Conversion Bracket Kit - 9000 (MY1990 and Newer), 10, 50, 60 or 70 Series Combines; 7760, 9986 or 9996 Cotton Pickers or 7460 Cotton Strippers - PF91009

Deluxe Shroud Conversion Bracket Kit - 6020 or 6030 Series or Small Frame 7000, 10, 20, or 30 Series Tractors - PF90780

Position receiver bracket Position receiver bracket

Combine StarFire position receiver bracketCombine StarFire position receiver bracket

GreenStar dual display bracket GreenStar dual display bracket

StarFire Receiver Bracket Kit - (MY13-MY16) 6M Tractors - BPF11274

Shroud mountShroud mount

GreenStar Implement Control Kits
Surface Water Pro receiver mounting kit Surface Water Pro receiver mounting kit

Implement Mast - For universal use on 3", 4", 5" or 6" Frame Tubes - PF90523

High-current power-extension harnessHigh-current power-extension harness

High-current power-adapter harnessHigh-current power-adapter harness

High-current power-adapter harnessHigh-current power-adapter harness

Front Extension Harness (3 meter) - BPF11285

Front Extension Harness (10 meter) - BPF11284

Center extension harnessCenter extension harness

Center extension harnessCenter extension harness

CAN Front Extension Harness (12 meter) - PF90553

Bracket Assembly - John Deere 2510 Series Applicators - PF90826

Auxiliary-power extension harnessAuxiliary-power extension harness

Active Implement Guidance or iGrade Open Center Valve - BPF10382

Active Implement Guidance or iGrade External SCV Switch and Harness Kit - BPF10356

Active Implement Guidance or iGrade Closed Center Valve - BPF10383

Machine specific kits provide dealers with all of the hardware and harnessing to equip your 2410C or 2510H with dry applicator with AccuFlow Vortex Cooler minus:

  • EVA hose
  • Vapor hose
  • Nurse tank hose
  • GreenStar Rate Controller

Active Implement Guidance Implement Feedback Harness Extension (9 Meter) - BPF10019

Active Implement Guidance Implement Feedback Harness (4 Meter) - BPF10032

Active Implement Guidance External Valve Bracket Kit - BPF10352

Active Implement Guidance Counterbalance Valve - BPF10548

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 8RT Series Tractors - BPF10042

Implement Mast - For universal use on 7" or 8" Frame Tubes - PF90524

Implement Mast - John Deere CCS Planter With Refuge Plus Tank (MY2006 and Newer) - PF90549

Implement Mast - John Deere CCS Planter Without Refuge Plus Tank (MY2004 and Newer) - PF90525

Implement Receiver Harness - PF90538

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 6R - BPF10940

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 7R - BPF10732

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 8000, 8010 and 8R Wheeled Series Tractors  - BPF10041

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 8000T and 8010T Series Tractors - BPF10020

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 8020 Wheeled Series Tractors - BPF10022

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 8020T Series Tractors - BPF10021

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 9000 and 9020 Wheeled and Track Series - BPF10023

John Deere Application Controller Mounting Hardware - 9R with Standard Hydraulics - BPF11173

Switch and power extension harnessSwitch and power extension harness

Power Harness - 4WD Tractor - BPF10404

Power Harness - Row Crop Tractor - BPF10403

Rear extension harnessRear extension harness

iGrade Counterbalance Valve - BPF10547

iGrade or Active Implement Guidance Implement CAN Extension Harness - BPF10018

High Current Power Extension Harness (3 meter) - PF90825

Surface water implement mast Surface water implement mast

GreenStar Miscellaneous Hardware

The GreenStar™ Lightbar is a simple, economical Parallel Tracking™ display.


The 27 tracking indicator light-emitting diodes (LED) tell the operator how the machine is tracking in relation to the desired guidance line.

The operator steers the vehicle back to the guidance line.
GreenStar Lightbar can be run as a stand-alone unit or as a companion to either an Original GreenStar Display or GreenStar 2 (GS2) 2600, GreenStar 2 1800, or GreenStar 3 2630 Display.
NOTE: The GreenStar Lightbar cannot be power washed.

GreenStar/Gen 4 10" Display Touch Panel Protector Service Kit - PF90596

Harvest Sensor Kits
Cotton yield sensor kit for 9986 or 9996 models Cotton yield sensor kit for 9986 or 9996 models

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

Combine moisture sensor retrofit kit on 50 SeriesCombine moisture sensor retrofit kit on 50 Series

Moisture sensor conversion kit Moisture sensor conversion kit

First introduced in 1995, Combine Yield Monitoring and Combine Yield Mapping were John Deere’s first precision farming products. It is capable of monitoring or mapping yield and moisture on many of the older John Deere combines as field-installed attachments.


Harvest Monitor™ and Harvest Doc™ – 9060 Series Combines

*Harvest Monitor and Harvest Doc is retrofittable to 50 Series Combines


Functionality includes multi-client functionality, boundary recording, and weather and field condition recording as well as compatibility to GreenStar™ guidance products.


Harvest Monitor enables the operator to view yield and moisture while harvesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Grain tank-mounted moisture sensor
  • Mass flow sensor
  • GreenStar display
  • Associated brackets and harnesses

Harvest Doc enables the operator to record yield and moisture with GPS and later load the information into desktop software as maps and reports. To upgrade from Harvest Monitor to Harvest Doc, the following additional components are necessary:


StarFire™ Receiver

  • Apex™ desktop software
  • GreenStar display

Machine Control

Combine Hydro Handle for Machine Sync Application - BPF10405

StarFire RTK Kits

Repeater Kit for RTK Radio 900 - BPF10839

RTK universal StarFire mounting bracket RTK universal StarFire mounting bracket

RTK Universal Base Station Bundle 450 - PF91099

RTK tripod with labelsRTK tripod with labels

PF80762 - Storage case for original GreenStar™ common components

RTK Radio Extension Harness - 50 Ft. - PF90450

Radio extension harness Radio extension harness

RTK dual radio harnessRTK dual radio harness

RTK conversion bundle RTK conversion bundle

RTK base station extension harness RTK base station extension harness

Magnetic Rover Antenna - John Deere RTK Radio 900 - PF90347

Magnetic rover antennaMagnetic rover antenna

RTK radio coverRTK radio cover

In-line amplifierIn-line amplifier

High-gain base antennaHigh-gain base antenna

Base Station Kit for RTK Radio 900 with Tripod - BPF10837

Base Station Kit for RTK Radio 900 - BPF10838

*Manufacturer's suggested price. MSRP may be different in California. Taxes, freight, setup, and delivery not included. Optional accessories and attachments not included. Equipment, models and prices may vary by dealer. Product options and accessories may not be available in all regions. The engine horsepower and torque information are provided by the engine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only. Actual operating horsepower and torque will be less. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s website for additional information. Offers valid in the United States. Prices in U.S. dollars.

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Belle Glade

2017 Northwest 16th Street
Belle Glade, FL 33430

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Boynton Beach

1335 Neptune Dr
Boynton Beach, FL 33426

Map & Hours

22255 Cortez Blvd
Brooksville, FL 34601

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Fort Myers

9501 FL-82
Fort Myers, FL 33905

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Fort Pierce

6150 Orange Ave
Fort Pierce, FL 34947

Map & Hours

127 N Krome Ave
Florida City, FL 33034

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775 E Main St
Immokalee, FL 34142

Map & Hours

6785 114th Ave
Largo, FL 33773

Map & Hours

1800 US-441
Leesburg, FL 34748

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13295 Southern Blvd
Loxahatchee, FL 33470

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1945 Pine Ridge Rd
Naples, FL 34109

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North Port

2825 Commerce Parkway
North Port, FL 34289

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2240 Success Dr
Odessa, FL 33556

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820 US-98
Okeechobee, FL 34972

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12049 S Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, FL 32837

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906 US-301
Palmetto, FL 34221

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Plant City

2805 West, FL-60
Plant City, FL 33567

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St Cloud

117 13th St
St Cloud, FL 34769

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