John Deere 6120M

DEBUG Ind: Utility Tractors, Cat: Tractors, SubCat: Utility Tractors, SubSubCat: 6 Family Utility Tractors
Feature Overview
John Deere 6120M
  • Engine HP: 133 Max | 120 Rated
  • John Deere FT4 PowerTech™ engine combines performance and fluid economy
  • Transmission options: PQT, AQT, CQT, or IVT
  • Available in cab or open-station configuration
  • Standard 21-GPM pressure-compensated hydraulics; 30-GPM pressure-flow compensated system available
Engine description John Deere PowerTech™ EWL
Engine displacement 4.5 L / 275 cu in.
Rated engine power 88 kW / 120 hp / w/ IPM: 103 kW / 140 hp
Transmission type Standard: John Deere 24-speed PowrQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / Optional: John Deere 16-speed PowrQuad Plus 30 km/h / John Deere 24-speed AutoQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / John Deere 24-speed CommandQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / AutoPowr™/IVT™ 40 km/h / Creeper (PowrQuad Plus and AutoQuad Plus)
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*Inventory shortages may cause extended delivery dates

*This price does not include attachments and accesories

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Feature Overview
John Deere 6120M
  • Engine HP: 133 Max | 120 Rated
  • John Deere FT4 PowerTech™ engine combines performance and fluid economy
  • Transmission options: PQT, AQT, CQT, or IVT
  • Available in cab or open-station configuration
  • Standard 21-GPM pressure-compensated hydraulics; 30-GPM pressure-flow compensated system available
Engine description John Deere PowerTech™ EWL
Engine displacement 4.5 L / 275 cu in.
Rated engine power 88 kW / 120 hp / w/ IPM: 103 kW / 140 hp
Transmission type Standard: John Deere 24-speed PowrQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / Optional: John Deere 16-speed PowrQuad Plus 30 km/h / John Deere 24-speed AutoQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / John Deere 24-speed CommandQuad™ Plus 40 km/h / AutoPowr™/IVT™ 40 km/h / Creeper (PowrQuad Plus and AutoQuad Plus)
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*Inventory shortages may cause extended delivery dates

*This price does not include attachments and accesories

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PowerTech™ PVS/PSS Stage IV engine


John Deere 6M Series Tractors feature the reliable and proven PowerTech PVS 6.8L and PSS 4.5L and 6.8L engines. These air-to-air aspirated engines deliver a power bulge above rated power to provide excellent torque in demanding applications.

Key features:

  • Series turbochargers (PSS only)
  • Variable geometry turbocharger (VGT)
  • Air-to-air after cooling
  • High-pressure common rail (HPCR) fuel system
  • Engine control unit (ECU)

PowerTech PSS/PVS engine identification


After treatment

  • S ™ Exhaust filter and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
  • X ™ Exhaust filter


  • V ™ VGT
  • S ™ Series turbochargers
  • W ™ Wastegate turbocharger


  • P ™ PowerTech Plus
  • E ™ PowerTech E
PowerTech PSS 6.8L enginePowerTech PSS 6.8L engine


  • A constant power range of 2100 rpm down to 1500 rpm
  • Power bulge of 10 percent
  • Greater tractor productivity
  • Responsive power reducing the need to downshift the transmission


To match the engine power characteristics and improve the operation economy of the machine, the rated engine speed is 2100 rpm.

Series turbochargers


The PowerTech PSS 4.5L and 6.8L engines utilize two turbochargers ™ a VGT and a fixed geometry turbocharger. This provides the torque rise and engine response needed to meet varying load conditions.

Fresh air is first drawn into the low-pressure fixed geometry turbocharger and compressed to a higher pressure. The compressed, higher pressure air is then drawn into the high-pressure VGT where the air is further compressed. By splitting the work between two turbochargers, both can operate at peak efficiency and at slower rotating speeds.

PowerTech PSS engine series turbochargersPowerTech PSS engine series turbochargers


  • Deliver high-power density
  • More low-speed torque and responsiveness to meet varying load conditions



The VGT is electronically controlled and actuates the turbo vanes as required to maintain peak engine performance. PowerTech PVS 6.8L engines only have a VGT turbocharger.

The turbocharger’s vanes are in the exhaust flow. The opening or closing of the vanes changes the outlet volume and airflow speed against the turbocharger turbine. When exhaust flow is low, the vanes are partially closed. This partial closure increases the pressure against the turbine blades to make the turbocharger spin faster and generate more boost pressure.

The ability to keep the airflow at optimum levels provides more consistent engine boost pressure and the ability to respond to load quickly across the entire engine rpm range. This system is without the turbo lag that can be found on some engines.



  • Optimized fluid economy
  • Maximum engine performance


Each injector is controlled individually by the ECU. The ECU turns the injector on and off during each firing cycle to control the fuel delivery into each cylinder.

Load and speed sensing allows each cylinder’s fuel delivery rate to be adjusted independently at the individual injector. With each injection cycle, the ECU can make the following adjustments on the go:

  • Number of injections
  • Fuel pressure in the common rail
  • Start of injection
  • Duration of injection

This management system is connected to the transmission, allowing the engine and transmission to respond simultaneously.

Cold weather and high-altitude compensation are also precisely controlled for quality starts regardless of weather and maximum performance at high elevations. The ECU also features improved diagnostic capabilities. It is faster, has more working memory, and is responsible for monitoring and executing all aspects of the integrated emission control system.

PowerTech VGTPowerTech VGT


  • Increased low rpm torque 
  • Quicker response to load
  • Increased peak torque
  • Improved fluid economy
  • Improved performance at high altitudes

Air-to-air after cooling


Air-to-air after cooling lowers the intake manifold air temperature and provides more efficient cooling while reducing cylinder firing pressure and temperatures for greater engine reliability. Since lower temperature air is denser, a higher volume of air flows into cylinders so the engine is capable of meeting the increasing horsepower demands. Lowering the intake manifold and cylinder temperatures also aids in lowering the combustion temperature, which lowers the NOx produced as a result.


  • Higher horsepower
  • Less NOx production

HPCR fuel injection system


Every PowerTech PSS 4.5L and 6.8L engine utilizes a HPCR fuel system to efficiently supply fuel to injectors. The high-pressure fuel pump instantly responds to requirements for more or less fuel flow or pressure. This electronically controlled, high-pressure pump delivers pressure on demand according to the application requirements. Pressure on demand ensures an efficient injection system resulting in high-injection pressure independent of engine speed.

High-pressure common railHigh-pressure common rail


  • Instantly respond to load changes reducing the need to change gears
  • Improved fluid economy

Engine control unit (ECU)


The ECU uses signal inputs from sensors and pre-programmed performance modeling to control critical engine functions such as fuel quantity, injection timing, air-to-fuel ratio, multiple fuel injections, amount of cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), and a host of other control parameters.

6M PFC hydraulic system6M PFC hydraulic system

The 6M Series Tractors feature the proven PFC hydraulic system with variable pressure up to 200 bar (2900 psi).

The following hydraulic equipment is available for 6M Series Tractors:


  Hydraulic pumpsSelective control valves (SCV), rearMid-SCVs
FunctionOil pump, L/min (gal./min)Control rear implementsControl front implements/loader
  • PFC piston pumps or PC gear pumps
  • Additional oil reservoir
  • Three pumps available:
    • 80 L/min (21.1 gal./min) 35 ccm
    • 114 L/min (30.1 gal./min) 45 ccm
  • Up to three SCVs - mechanical (M)
    • Standard (M)
    • Premium (M)
  • Premium couplers
  • Power beyond
  • Mechanical joystick
  • Up to three SCVs available:
    • Two functional SCVs
    • Three functional SCVs
  • Mechanical joystick


Option availability
3231Hydraulic pump- 65 L/min
(17.17 gal./min)
28 ccm pump, PC system

Only available for all open operator station (OOS) models

3232Hydraulic pump- 80 L/min
(21.1 gal./min)
35 ccm pump, PC system









3223Hydraulic pump- 114 L/min
(30.1 gal./min)
45 ccm pump, PFC system










  • Fast system response times
  • Minimum energy losses, as pump returns to no output state when hydraulic flow is not needed
  • Contributes to overall efficiency of the tractor

Advantages of this system:

  • Reduced load on engine
  • Improved fuel efficiency
  • Enhanced oil cooling
  • Reduced internal leakage
  • Reduced hydraulic noise levels
  • Less strain on hoses and seals

Pressure for the entire system is established by the function requiring the highest pressure. As demand lessens, so does hydraulic pump pressure and engine power requirements.

Other hydraulic system advantages include:

  • Mechanical controlled valves
  • Hydraulic steering for effortless operation
  • Hydraulic wet-disc brakes that provide excellent brake performance
  • 3-point hitch with increased lift capacity that can handle even the heaviest implements

High-capacity hydraulic pump

The hydraulic pump is located close to the hitch valve and selective control valves (SCVs), allowing:

  • Fewer and shorter lines
  • Quick system response times
  • Minimized energy losses

For 6150M and 6170M, the 114-L/min (30.1-gpm) pump is base equipment.


Essential services have priority

The priority valve ensures, even at low idle engine speed, full power to the essential services like:

  • Steering
  • Brakes

Hydraulic and transmission systems are functionally separate; however, both systems utilize a common reservoir for easy serviceability.



  • 35 ccm pump (80 L/min) is base equipment for 6110M-6145M.
  • 35 ccm pump (80 L/min) is not available for 6155M-6195M models.
  • 45 ccm pump (114 L/min) is available for all models (including OOS) and base equipment for 6155M-6195M.
  • The 45 ccm pump is required with cold start package II (code 8301).

Oil take-out capacity with/without additional tank



6110M – 6145M

6155M – 6195M

Base hydraulic tank capacity, L (gal.)25 (6.6)35 (9.2)
Total take out capacity with additional tank, L (gal.)37 (9.8)47 (12.4)


The 6M cabs are designed with functionality and operator comfort in mind. While in the cab, the operator will experience various features that will make the operator’s task easier.


Four different cab packages, including a low-profile cab, are offered on the 6Ms to match the operator’s needs. Protection from elements such as wind, dust, sun, rain, or hot and cold temperatures improves an operator’s efficiency and productivity which leads to greater performance.


The four cab packages are broken down in the table below.


Cab packages with codes below




Low profile






BaseAll cabs include: right-hand steps, front windshield wiper and washer, tilt/telescopic steering column, right-hand operational controls, floor mat, hand and foot throttle control and overhead reading light

NOTE: Low-profile cab will not include a right-hand step or right-hand door.





82247-pin signal interface socket





8230Inner rearview mirror





8240Power outlet socket





8446Right-hand and left-hand remote hitch controls




8206Air conditioning




8762No handbrake






Swinging drawbar with hammerstrap





8746154ah battery





2109Mechanical suspension seat


2510Mirrors standard left hand and right hand




2631Panorama windshield




8280Rear windshield wiper and washer 



878SCup holder 



8276Sun visor 


2127Air suspension seat 




2511Mirrors manually adjustable and telescopic 



8276Front and rear roller blind  


8254Instructor seat  


8266Additional storage compartment  


878RBottle holder  


8217iTEC™ Basic guidance application  


8330Horizontal exhaust   


Additional factory-installed options include:

8261Ash tray with cigarette lighter
878TGlass roof hatch
878HMulti power outlet strip
8782Back-up alarm

CodeDescriptionAvailable forInformation
1424PowrQuad - 16/16, 30 km/h (18.6 mph)Open operator station (OOS)Includes mechanical left-hand reverser
1426PowrQuad - 24/24, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)OOS 6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes mechanical left-hand reverser 
1432PowrQuad - 16/16, 30 km/h, with creeper (18.6 mph)OOSIncludes mechanical left-hand reverser 
1434PowrQuad - 24/24, 40 km/h, with creeper (24.9 mph)OOS 6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes mechanical left-hand reverser
1435PowrQuad Plus - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)6155M, 6175M, 6195MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser
1436PowrQuad Plus - 24/24, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 
1437PowrQuad Plus - 16/16, 30 km/h (18.6 mph)All modelsIncludes electrical left-hand reverser
1439PowrQuad Plus - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph), with creeper6155MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 
1440PowrQuad Plus - 24/24, 40 km/h (24.9 mph), with creeper6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 
1441PowrQuad Plus - 16/16, 30 km/h, with creeper (18.6 mph)6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145M, 6155MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser
1445PowrQuad - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)OOS 6155MIncludes mechanical left-hand reverser
1446PowrQuad -20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph), with creeperOOS 6155M Includes mechanical left-hand reverser 
1453AutoQuad Plus - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)6155M, 6175M, 6195MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser
1454AutoQuad Plus - 24/24, 40 km/h (23.6 mph)6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 
1457AutoQuad Plus - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph), with creeper6155MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 
1458AutoQuad Plus - 24/24, 40 km/h (24.9 mph), with creeper6110M, 6120M, 6130M, 6135M, 6145MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser 


Modular concept
Modular transmissionModular transmission
  1. Differential housing
  2. Range module
  3. Option box
  4. PowrQuad module
  5. Mechanical front-wheel drive (MFWD) clutch module
  6. Power take-off (PTO) module


  • Reliability
  • High efficiency
  • Low noise levels
  • Convenient operation
  • Long service intervals


  • The PowrQuad PLUS and AutoQuad PLUS family with four PowerShift gears combines technology with well-proven design features.
  • Pressure lubrication that is filtered and cooled under all conditions ensures a long service life. Long life design for all clutch and brake components.
  • The de-clutch button is included on cab configurations.
  • The engine speed reduction can go down to 1880 rpm, depending on tractor model and tires.

Synchronized range module


Fully synchronized range modules with high contact helical gears provide large-tooth contact for greater torque transmission capability and quieter operation. A park lock is integrated as standard.

Creeper module option

For the 6110M-6135M the slowest gear is down to 0.25 km/h (0.15 mph) at 1000 engine rpm.
For the 6145M-6155M the slowest gear is down to 0.15 km/h (0.09 mph) at 1000 engine rpm.

Declutch buttonDeclutch button


  • Enabling shift ranges on the go without pressing the clutch pedal
  • Useful in start stop situations

Left-hand reverser


The left-hand reverser with the neutral position is located in an ergonomic position to the left of the steering wheel. This allows quick, convenient, and smooth forward reverse shuttle shift at any speed. The forward, reverse, and neutral positions are also displayed on the dashboard.

PowrQuad PLUS or AutoQuad PLUS module
PowerQuad Plus transmissionPowerQuad Plus transmission

Speed control


Gear shifting on transmission leverGear shifting on transmission lever


  • Ergonomic and ideal position of the range lever for the operator
  • Diagonal shifting possible with automatic centralizing of the range lever making shifting between ranges easier
  • Park lock engagement integrated
  • Button for automatic PowerShift on AutoQuad transmissions
  • Declutch button integrated in the range lever on cab configurations
  • Two push buttons on the top of the lever for changing PowerShift gear on cab configurations
  • PowerShift gears switch beside the hitch control for simultaneous working on cab configurations

Transmission declutch button


The transmission declutch button feature is base equipment on AutoQuad PLUS and PowrQuad PLUS transmissions on 6M Cab Tractors. This gives the operator convenient range shifting and increases comfort in all operations.

Left-hand reverserLeft-hand reverser


  • Clutchless movements from forward to reverse
  • Highly convenient on front loader work

FieldCruise™ engine controls


With FieldCruise, the operator limits the engine rpm to a minimum of 1200 rpm engine speed and a maximum of 2100 rpm engine speed.


  • The operator does not have to make small adjustments to the hand throttle when pushed to maximum the rpm stops at the FieldCruise setting

AutoQuad transmissions — button on the speed lever


The AutoQuad button is included in the lever to activate automatic shifting of the four PowerShift gears. The engine rpm at which the automatic power shifting shifts up or down can be infinitely set within a range to improve productivity in all load conditions.

Auto mode activation buttonAuto mode activation button


  • Automatically shift between PowerShift gears within the range


The CommandQuad PLUS gearbox is an option on all 6M Cab Tractors. The CommandQuad PLUS maintains the impressive reliability of an AutoQuad™ transmission while enhancing operator convenience and productivity through increased automatic shifting capabilities.


The transmission is equipped with 20 forward and 20 reverse (20F/20R) speeds for the 6155M-6195M and (24F/24R for the 6110M-6145M models), a left-hand reverser, and four PowerShift™ gears in five fully synchronized ranges. The selected gear is displayed on the digital display (1 to 4).


CommandQuad™ PLUS Transmission video

6M right-hand console with CommandQuad PLUS transmission6M right-hand console with CommandQuad PLUS transmission
CommandQuad PLUS transmissionCommandQuad PLUS transmission
CommandQuad PLUS transmissionCommandQuad PLUS transmission
Operating the CommandQuad PLUS transmission

Once the tractor is started, the operator selects a range by pressing one of the range buttons on the control center. The ranges are labeled as letters: A, B, C, and B-E. The operator has the choice to select MultiRange, which allows seamless gear shifts and automatic range shifts without the use of a clutch or declutch button.


The gear speed can be selected by using the transmission control lever to shift to a desired gear. After setting the desired throttle position, the operator can move the left-hand reverser to the forward or reverse position to start movement. The operator can shift up or down through the gears in the selected range(s) as needed.


Initial start gear can be programmed through the digital display controls. Any two start gears may be stored.

CommandQuad PLUS transmissionCommandQuad PLUS transmission

A: Thumbwheel located on gear selector lever – sets maximum tractor speed
B: Park brake lever
C: Gear range selection – change on the go
D: Gear lever – right-hand side for automatic, left-hand side for manually shifting
E: Engine speed scroll lever
F: Speed 1 or speed 2 selector

Two operating modes: AUTO mode and manual mode

CommandQuad PLUS features two different ways to operate transmission range and speed selections. In manual mode, the operator has the ability to shift through speeds and ranges without clutching by moving the control lever forward, toward the + indicator, or backward, toward the - indicator. In AUTO mode, the tractor shifts automatically at present shift points depending on engine load.

AUTO mode and manual modeAUTO mode and manual mode
Full AUTO mode

Depending on load, full AUTO mode will optimize both the engine and transmission by selecting the appropriate gear and rpm to optimize fuel efficiency. The only input needed from the operator is to set the target ground speed by using the thumbwheel.

Load anticipation feature

A load anticipation feature is standard equipment on all tractors equipped with a CommandQuad PLUS transmission. The load anticipation feature allows the CommandQuad PLUS transmission to predict how much load the engine expects from the activation of the hitch or a particular selective control valve (SCV) function.


  • Full AUTO mode — load anticipation always engaged
  • Custom mode — operator can engage or disengage load anticipation (hitch, power take-off [PTO], or selective control valves [SCVs])
Load anticipation is activated when
  1. An SCV is commanded to flow more than 25 percent, or when it is in continuous flow, the tractor will boost the fuel economy engine speed. 
  2. If the hitch is lowered (at a rate greater than 6 percent) or raised, the system will increase engine rpm if the engine speed is below 1500 rpm.


NOTE: The load anticipation feature also activates when using SCV or hitch functions programmed within iTEC™ application sequences.

NOTE: Refer to the operator's manual for complete instructions.

Soft shift
Soft shiftSoft shift

This electronic engine-transmission communication smoothens the four-speed power shift steps. During upshifting, a slightly lower engine rpm than the current one is commanded by the transmission for a few milliseconds to match the right speed.


For down shift, the rpm is raised quickly and lowered again after the shifting has been completed. Soft shift is an intelligent system varying the degree of engine rpm reduction and increase depending on tractor load. The soft shift system can be turned off if required, for example during baling.

Speed matching


  • The speed-matching control unit selects the next appropriate PowerShift step after shifting a range up or down, depending on the current speed.
  • The operator can adjust in the dashboard if speed matching should be on, off, or off when PTO is engaged.
  • Speed matching is available at more than 4.4 mph (7 km/h).



  • Provides the operator with a seamless transition between range changes
AutoClutch™ feature - effortless operation

The clutch automatically separates when the brakes are actuated and engages when the brakes are released. However, AutoClutch is deactivated if single-wheel braking is used while engine speed is higher than approximately 900 rpm. This means if single-wheel braking is used to make a turn (for example), the clutch is not activated while engine speed is higher than 900 rpm.


Changing the sensitivity setting of the AutoClutch alters the way in which the clutch separates automatically. This changes the time-lag between initiation of braking and the point in time when the clutch separates. If set correctly, this has a positive effect on braking characteristics when driving with a trailer. The lower the sensitivity, the greater the actuation of the trailer brake so that the hitched-up unit remains stretched. This also implies that more force is required to actuate the foot brake.


AutoClutch sensitivity may be adjusted between four different settings – low, medium, high, and off.

AutoClutch sensitivityAutoClutch sensitivity
  • The option to adjust the sensitivity provides the operator with higher comfort and choice to optimize the tractor depending on what application it is doing. For example, high sensitivity for low speed yard work and low sensitivity or off for transport of heavy loads in hilly conditions.
  • Allowing higher operator performance and uptime in the field, removing the need to depress the clutch – more time to concentrate on other important aspects of the tasks.
Code DescriptionAvailable for Information 
1500CommandQuad PLUS - 24/24, 40 km/h (24.9 mph)6110M , 6120M, 6130M, 6145MIncludes electrical left-hand reverser
1501 CommandQuad PLUS - 20/20, 40 km/h (24.9 mph) 6155M, 6175M, 6195M Includes electrical left-hand reverser 


The strong steel frame has been a John Deere industry exclusive since 1992, providing profound advantages over competitor solutions.

Loader bracket attached to full-frame designLoader bracket attached to full-frame design
Full-frame designFull-frame design

Below is a table demonstrating the available wheelbase measurements for all 6M models (mm/in.).


Final Tier 4 (FT4) cab and OOS models


6110M ™ 6130M

6145M ™ 6155M

6175M ™ 6195M

Wheelbase, mm




Wheelbase, in.




  • This unique solution achieves higher payloads without increasing tractor weight, thus increasing productivity.
  • The engine is separated from the full-frame design using rubber bushings. This method reduces the noise and vibration from the engine, ultimately improving tractor uptime and operator comfort.
  • Full frame carries the load while the powertrain transmits engine power to the final drive. This reduces stress on mechanical components thus improving uptime and reducing costs of operation. 
  • Higher power density is delivered by separating the load carrying components from the power transmitting components, allowing optimized designs and operator performance.
  • Loader brackets mounted directly to the full frame, therefore loader forces are not transmitted to the engine or transmission.

Improved serviceability

  • Frame mounting allows easier component accessibility without disturbing other systems.
  • Complete modular component replacement, such as transmission and engine is achieved without splitting the tractor in half.

Tractor-Baler Automation simplifies baling experience
A single manual action; system manages the restA single manual action; system manages the rest
TBA awardsTBA awards

The optional Tractor-Baler Automation (TBA) makes baling easy. This exclusive system manages most of the baling process and gives the customer the following advantages:

  • High baling comfort a single action to bale instead of four.
  • Error proof baling - even after 10 working hours, the system does not forget any action; a true advantage for an inexperienced driver.
  • Constant bale quality - same diameter bale after bale
  • Constant productivity - no reduced efficiency due to operators fatigue.

When used with a John Deere ISOBUS tractor, electric selective control valve (E-SCV), and (IVT™) transmission, the system will be able to:

  • Stop the tractor when bale size is reached
  • Wrap the bale
  • Open the gate
  • Close the gate when bale is unloaded

The only action remaining is to forward reverser and manage the steering.

If the John Deere tractor is not equipped with IVT but has E-SCV and ISOBUS, opening and closing can be automated.

A single touch on SCV, brakes, or reverser will disengage the automation. In the same way, automated open/close can be momentarily stopped when unloading in hilly conditions.

Tractor-Implement Automation is an exclusive green on green advantage. This advanced technology option has won awards at SIMA and Agritechnica farm equipment show in Europe, a true cost/value guarantee.

NOTE: to run through fully automated mode, a John Deere Isobus tractor with E-SCV and IVT is required. A baler activation key and a tractor activation key (different) have to be ordered.

ISOBUS certified balers
Plug in and bale with ISOBUSPlug in and bale with ISOBUS
ISOBUS certified = compatibility guaranteeISOBUS certified = compatibility guarantee

The 990 and 960 Balers offer ISOBUS compatibility as base equipment. This standardized communication not only allows the use of John Deere Greenstar2 1800, 2600, or 2630 Displays, but also the use of other ISOBUS conform competitive monitors.

Adapter harnesses for non-ISOBUS tractors are available.

User friendly interface
Main page with simple and clear pictogramsMain page with simple and clear pictograms
Bale or soft core density adjustmentsBale or soft core density adjustments

The Baler interface displays information that is needed. The 900 Series monitors provide all required information:

  • Bale shape and diameter
  • Drop floor and knives position
  • Variable core activation
  • Tying process status
  • Gate position
  • Maintenance status

Adjustments can also be managed from the operators station:

  • Bale size and density
  • Variable core diameter and density
  • Net and twine tying parameters
  • Knife selection
  • Automated lubrication
  • Tractor-Baler Automation status
  • Bale counter resets
Greenstar™2 1800 has the ideal display for baling application
Greenstar2 1800 Display ordered with the balerGreenstar2 1800 Display ordered with the baler

The 900 Series Balers can be teamed with all ISOBUS certified displays. The Greenstar2 1800 monitor can be ordered with the baler to match traditional baling requirements. When not baling this display can be used for other functions such as guidance and spraying applications when connected to an appropriate receiver and implement.

All ISOBUS display will fit the 900 Series
GreenStar3 2630 fits the most demanding user needsGreenStar3 2630 fits the most demanding user needs

The 960 and 990 Balers can be ordered without a monitor for customers who already have an ISOBUS display, or for those who search more advanced application (field management). Displays other than John Deere Greenstar2 1800 can be purchased through Ag Management Solutions (AMS) pages.

6120M standard cab with Compact CommandARM© console 6120M standard cab with Compact CommandARM© console

The 6M Tractor was designed to ensure maximum maneuverability, visibility, and superior comfort for operators’ working long days. The 6110M and 6120M, with the updated sloped-down hood design, feature a 17.8-cm (7-in.) shorter wheelbase (240 cm [94.5 in.]) allowing you to maneuver tight areas with no problems. Inside, the 6M cab has been designed to maximize operator comfort and visibility. All-around visibility of 310 degrees from within the cab ensures accurate tractor placement, implement hookup, and optimum tractor performance. Additionally, all 6M Tractors will come standard with a digital cornerpost display and include additional options to further improve operator satisfaction like:

  • Mechanical or electrical joystick with PowrReverser© functionality
    • Quickly and easily change directions with the push of a button while doing loader work
  • Compact CommandARM console
    • Swivel in your seat and have all the controls at your fingertips
  • Front axle suspension
  • Panoramic roof
Panoramic roof Panoramic roof
Cornerpost display Cornerpost display
Compact CommandARM Compact CommandARM
PowrReverser PowrReverser

6120M with Intelligent Power Management 6120M with Intelligent Power Management

The 6110M through 6140M Tractors come equipped with Intelligent Power Management (IPM). IPM provides a 14.9-kW (20-hp) boost for operations that use rear power take-off (PTO) in high-power applications or in transport. Benefits of IPM include improved productivity, increased acceleration, and the ability to maintain desired transport speeds. The requirements for IPM to be active include: 

  • Transport applications: The minimum ground speed where additional power begins to be applied for all models is 15 km/h (9.3 mph), assuming the engine is already fully loaded. Ramp-up to full additional power occurs as speed continues to increase.
  • PTO activation: Power must be sensed going through the PTO drive clutch by the electronic system. When using PTO-driven implements, engine power is increased gradually when ground speed exceeds 1 km/h (0.6 mph) if the electronic system detects a correspondingly high PTO power requirement. Full power becomes available from a speed of 2.5 km/h (1.5 mph).

Optional electrical control valves (E-SCVs) Optional electrical control valves (E-SCVs)

All 6M models come with the option to upgrade from mechanical to electronically controlled SCVs. To control a rear implement, up to four electrical SCVs or three electrical SCVs plus power beyond can be ordered. Each SCV features four positions ™ neutral, raise, lower, and float. The electrical SCVs are fully adjustable with the digital cornerpost display. Additionally, you can choose what SCVs are right for your operation with the following combinations of SCVs: 

With Compact CommandARM© console:

  • Up to four electrical SCVs possible or three plus power beyond
  • Loader packages with electrical joystick available
  • Mechanical SCVs are not available

With right-hand console:

  • Up to three mechanical SCVs possible plus power beyond
  • Up to four electrical SCVs possible or three plus power beyond
  • Combination of two electrical and one or two mechanical SCVs available
  • Loader packages with maximum of three mechanical SCVs available
  • Loader packages with electrical joystick available

6120M with optional front hitch 6120M with optional front hitch

For all 6M Series Tractors, an optional integrated John Deere Category 3N front hitch with hook-end draft links can be factory installed. The high lift capacity of 4400 kg (9,700 lb) maximum and 3300 kg (7,275 lb) through the full lift range ensures compatibility with heavy front implements and ballasts. If the tractor is not equipped with Triple-Link Suspension (TLS©), an accumulator will be installed to ensure driving comfort. The front hitch allows:

  • Maximum uptime with quick and easy changing from folded to working position
  • The operator to be highly flexible with the front ballast
  • Optional availability of integrated front power take-off (PTO)
  • Counterclockwise rotating PTO (view from front)

6155M with Premium light-emitting diode (LED) light package 6155M with Premium light-emitting diode (LED) light package

Lights on the 6M Series Tractors have been positioned and designed to provide maximum visibility to the front, sides, and rear to increase productivity in any operating conditions. The updated cab lighting pattern provides 330 degrees of coverage while the hood lighting provides the remaining 30 degrees. You have two options to upgrade lighting with the Economy and Premium light packages available:

  • Economy light package
    • Two additional work lights in the front, side, and rear
  • Premium light package
    • Two additional work lights in the front, side, and rear
    • All lights are LED lights


Both packages require the 14-V/150-amp alternator (code 8741) and 12-V/174-amp-hr battery (code 8747).

John Deere 6120M with StarFire© 6000 Receiver and tablet with JDLink John Deere 6120M with StarFire© 6000 Receiver and tablet with JDLink

Operators looking to remotely access critical machine data and manage their fleet in one place can with JDLink. JDLink is the telematics system from John Deere that connects all machines in the field with office and mobile devices. The technology is based on a Modular Telematics Gateway (MTG) controller that collects and transmits data via a cellular network using selective data points in near-real time. With JDLink, operators can:

  • Remotely view information from a computer, phone, or tablet
  • Access machine data like engine hours and fuel level
  • Track machine location and history
  • Set up and manage geofence and curfews
  • Manage maintenance plans and alerts
John Deere 6155M and 835 Mower Conditioner with StarFire 6000 Receiver and JDLink John Deere 6155M and 835 Mower Conditioner with StarFire 6000 Receiver and JDLink

Removable side panels for easy access on 6120M Removable side panels for easy access on 6120M
Side panels attached to the 6120M Side panels attached to the 6120M

6M Series Tractors have been redesigned to meet stringent reliability and serviceability requirements. Daily service requirements have been reduced and are simple to accomplish with improved accessibility to the engine. All 6M models are equipped with a 60-degree hood, and the 6110M and 6120M feature removable side panels, allowing easy access to reduce time and make serviceability even easier.


These features allow you to quickly and easily check parts like:

  • Engine oil filter
  • Engine fuel filter
  • Coolant recovery tank
  • Air cleaner


Additionally, the oil dipstick on the 6110M and 6120M allows you to check the engine oil level without opening the hood.

Updated oil dipstick location on 6110M-6120M Updated oil dipstick location on 6110M-6120M

John Deere 4240 Universal Display John Deere 4240 Universal Display

The latest John Deere display technology offered in a moveable and user-friendly experience is available with the John Deere 4240 and 4640 Universal Displays. These displays enable AutoTrac© guidance that provides enhanced usability, increased performance, and greater operator choice. Additional benefits include:

  • Support flags ™ document a point, line, or area of a field that needs later attention
  • Enhanced data merging functionalities for setup data (no more overwrites)
  • AutoTrac guidance improvements ™ boundary track and preview for guidance lines, tramlines, and machine access
  • Keeping the implement on the perfect track even in hilly conditions with AutoTrac Implement Guidance (passive)

Redesigned to improve loader operations
6120M Tractor with 600R Loader 6120M Tractor with 600R Loader

The 600R Loader has been redesigned to work effortlessly with the model year 2020 6110M and 6120M Tractors. In cadence with the sloped hood design of the tractor, the 600R Loader features curved booms, making an ideal tractor-loader combination. This combination also includes a 22.9-cm (9-in.) reduction in overall machine and loader length, improving forward visibility by over 2.1-m (7 ft). Pairing the model year 2020 6110M or 6120M Tractor with the 600R Loader allows visibility directly to the loader attachment, providing more efficient performance with any loader application.

Panoramic roof for increased visibility
600R Loader through 6120M Tractor panoramic roof 600R Loader through 6120M Tractor panoramic roof

As the lift height of the R-Series Loaders increases, the larger panoramic roof inside the model year 2020 6110M and 6120M Tractor cabs provides additional visibility to the entire lift cycle of the loader. The 600R Loader has a lift height up to 391.2 cm (154 in.), allowing an operator to stack three bales. With the larger panoramic roof, tasks that require maximum loader height can be performed more easily.

Light-emitting diode (LED) light option for variable operating conditions
6110M Tractor and 600R Loader with LED light package 6110M Tractor and 600R Loader with LED light package

To further enhance visibility, the model year 2020 6110M/6120M Tractors and 600R Loader have the option to include LED lights. With LED lights emitting from the tractor cab and the loader boom, performing loader applications in variable operating conditions is made easier. Pairing the loader LED light option with an LED light package on the 6110M or 6120M Tractor will provide unmatched visibility to enhance operator experience during any task.

6120M with redesigned hood and shorter wheelbase 6120M with redesigned hood and shorter wheelbase

The 6M Tractor was designed to ensure maximum maneuverability and visibility, no matter the job. With an updated sloped hood design on the cab models, you can see it all ™ your front loader, attachments, and front-mounted implements ™ with an improved 5.5-m (18-ft) front view distance. This is 2.2 m (7.3 ft) more of visibility compared to previous models.


If you work in corrals and other small spaces, then you know how beneficial a shorter wheelbase can be when it comes to getting in and out of tight spots. The 6110M and 6120M feature a 17.8-cm (7-in.) shorter wheelbase (240 cm [94.5 in.]), giving you the power of a 6M Tractor with the nimbleness of a smaller tractor. Take advantage of a 4.3-m (14-ft) turning radius, perfect for cleaning out barns, working livestock, baling hay, roadside mowing applications, and more.


Note: These changes do not apply to the Open Operator Station (OOS) models.

6120M standard cab with Compact CommandARM© console 6120M standard cab with Compact CommandARM© console

There’s no denying you spend plenty of time in the cab. Make it quality time with the redesigned 6M Tractor cab. Guided by best-practice ergonomic principles and four different cab packages to customize the way you work, you’ll enjoy a more productive, comfortable, and efficient experience. All 6M Tractors will come standard with a digital cornerpost display, eliminating the previous instrument cluster behind the steering wheel. This easy-to-read digital display gives you access to all critical machine data and settings in one place. Additionally, premium options have been made available to let you customize your 6M to fit any operation including: 

  • Mechanical or electrical reconfigurable joystick with PowrReverser© functionality
    • Quickly and easily change directions with the push of a button while doing loader work
  • Compact CommandARM© console
    • Swivel in your seat and have all the controls at your fingertips
  • Triple-Link Suspension (TLSTM)
    • Increase both transport and field productivity with superior stability, ride, and comfort with a suspended front axle
  • Mechanical cab suspension
  • Panoramic roof
Panoramic roof Panoramic roof
Cornerpost display Cornerpost display

Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

IVT transmission control handle on 6M Tractor IVT transmission control handle on 6M Tractor

Operators looking for a more comfortable, fuel efficient, and proven transmission can upgrade to an Infinitely Variable Transmission (AutoPowr©/IVT) system for any 6110M through 6140M tractor. The IVT system utilizes a combination of mechanical and hydrostatic power, providing stepless and continuous power across an infinitely variable range of speeds.


The single-speed lever is used for intuitive and accurate control of ground speeds as slow as 0.05 km/h (0.03 mph) to 40 km/h (25 mph). The wheel is quick and easy to adjust with the operator’s thumb to set the maximum commanded forward or reverse speed in each speed band. Operators can also enjoy reduced fuel costs and a quieter, more comfortable ride with transport speeds being reached at lower engine rpms. Additional benefits include:

  • Easy to operate
  • Less shifting time for better management of implements
  • Precise management of speeds
  • Under acceleration, engine rpm is kept to a minimum within the engines peak torque band to reduce noise and fuel consumption

AutoTrac on cornerpost display AutoTrac on cornerpost display

If you are looking for a low-cost integrated guidance system, 6M Tractors come equipped with AutoTrac guidance using the digital cornerpost display. For this straight track only feature, you no longer need an additional display or activation. To utilize AutoTrac on the cornerpost display, simply order your 6M Tractor as AutoTrac Ready (code 1758) and install a StarFire© 6000 Receiver. While AutoTrac makes straight passes, you can focus more on job quality and leave the field less fatigued after a long day of mowing, spraying, or other field work.


Benefits of AutoTrac on the cornerpost display include:

  • Easy to access, setup, and initiate
  • Eliminate implement overlap and optimize machine efficiency
  • Reduce operator fatigue
  • Less cost than adding an additional display and activation


If you need more capabilities, like different track types or documentation, John Deere also offers a G5 Universal Display. These displays enable AutoTrac guidance that provides enhanced usability, increased performance, and greater operator choice. Additional benefits include:

  • On-screen mapping
  • Documentation
  • Section Control

Note: AutoTrac guidance on the cornerpost is not compatible with the StarFire© 3000 Receiver.

Connected Support technology Connected Support technology

When you buy John Deere equipment, you expect reliability. You also know that problems can happen, and a product is only as good as the support behind it. That’s why John Deere equipment is prepared with technology that senses potential issues and can alert you and your dealer promptly—in the cab or anywhere you are.

John Deere Connected Support is a revolutionary change to support that leverages technology and the connectivity of JDLink© telematics to prevent downtime and resolve problems faster. These tools decrease downtime by an average of 20 percent, enabling faster responses to unexpected problems and reducing technician trips to your machine. For some issues, unplanned downtime can even be prevented altogether through prediction of the issue.

With your permission, John Deere Connected Support:

  • Keeps you running by monitoring machine health and promptly alerting you and your dealer of issues
  • Saves time by remotely viewing in-cab displays, reducing trips to the machine
  • Reduces or even eliminates technician trips to a machine through remote diagnostic and remote software reprogramming capabilities
  • Connects experts with the information needed to respond to downtime faster and prevent it altogether

With more than a decade of experience leveraging connectivity to solve problems, no one else has the experience, tools, and knowledge to keep you running as John Deere and your John Deere dealer can. Connected Support is an in-base feature on all John Deere products with factory- or field-installed JDLink.

Key Specs
Engine description John Deere PowerTech™ EWL
Engine displacement 4.5 L
275 cu in.
Rated engine power 88 kW
120 hp
w/ IPM: 103 kW
140 hp
Engine performance
Rated PTO power (hp SAE) 69 kW
94 hp
Key Specs
Transmission type Standard: John Deere 24-speed PowrQuad™ Plus 40 km/h
Optional: John Deere 16-speed PowrQuad Plus 30 km/h
John Deere 24-speed AutoQuad™ Plus 40 km/h
John Deere 24-speed CommandQuad™ Plus 40 km/h
AutoPowr™/IVT™ 40 km/h
Creeper (PowrQuad Plus and AutoQuad Plus)
Hydraulic pump rated output Standard: 35-cc pump: 80 L/min
21 gpm
Optional: 45 cc-pump: 114 L/min
30 gpm
Rear hitch category (SAE designation) 2/3N
Engine specifications
Description John Deere PowerTech EWL
Engine type 4045HL290
Engine family JDXL04.5317
Rated speed 2100 rpm
Aspiration Single turbocharger with wastegate
Emission level Final Tier 4
After treatment type Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) using diesel exhaust fluid (DEF)
Displacement 4.5 L
275 cu in.
Engine performance
Rated power 88 kW
120 hp
w/ IPM: 103 kW
140 hp
Power boost (available in transport and/or mobile PTO applications) 6 percent
Engine peak torque At 1600 U/min: 562 Nm
414.50 lb-ft
PTO torque rise 40 percent
Front axle
Type Standard: MFWD
Optional: Two-wheel drive (2WD)
Triple-Link Suspension (TLS) MFWD axle (hydro-pneumatic, permanently active, triple link, self-leveling suspension with 100-mm [3.9-in.] suspension range)
Triple-Link Suspension MFWD with brakes
Hydraulic system
Pump rated output Standard: 35-cc pump: 80 L/min
21 gpm
Optional: 45-cc pump: 114 L/min
30 gpm
Available flow at a single rear SCV Standard: 60 L/min
16 gpm
Optional: 100 L/min
26 gpm
Number of rear selective control valves (SCVs) Standard: Two ISO couplers
Optional: Two to four ISO couplers
Number of mid selective control valves (SCVs) Up to three
SCV control Mechanical
Rear hitch
Hitch category (SAE designation) 2/3N
Maximum lift capacity behind lift points Standard: 3750 kg
8267.3 lb
Optional: 5000 kg
11,023.1 lb
Sensing type Electronic lower link
Drawbar category Category 2
Maximum vertical load Road/field use (250-mm extended): 2000 kg
4409.2 lb
Field use (350-mm extended): 1400 kg
3086.5 lb
Field use (400-mm extended): 1200 kg
2645.5 lb
Rear power take-off (PTO)
Engine rpm (at rated PTO speeds) 540: 1977 rpm
1000: 1972 rpm
Front hitch
Standard lift capacity 4400 kg
9700.3 lb
Front power take-off (PTO) Electrohydraulically engaged with oil-cooled, multi-disc design
PTO speed 1000 PTO: 1969 rpm
Rear axle
Final drive type Three planetary gear reduction
Rear differential lock Electrohydraulically with oil-cooled clutch
Front axle
Front axle differential lock Self-locking differential
Electrical system
Alternator size Standard: 14 V/120 amp
Optional: 14 V/150 amp
14 V/200 amp
Battery options Standard: 12 V/154 amp-hr
Optional: 12 V/174 amp-hr
Operator station
Rollover protective structure, OOS Gearshift location - console/floor
Seat Standard: Economy seat with mechanical suspension
Optional: Standard seat with air suspension
Instructional seat Optional
Display Cornerpost display (right-hand A-post)
Functionalty: Performance monitor and individual settings
Inner cab volume 2.73 m3
96.41 cu ft
Cab glass area Without roof hatch or panoramic roof: 4.85 m2
52.2 sq ft
Base machine weight Front axle
2180 kg
4806 lb
Rear axle
3500 kg
7716 lb
5680 kg
12,522 lb
Maximum permissible weight 9500 kg
20,944 lb
Crankcase oil volume 17 L
4.5 U.S. gal.
Fuel tank 175 L
46.2 U.S. gal.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank 19 L
5.0 U.S. gal.
Cooling system 20 L
5.3 U.S. gal.
Transmission-hydraulic system PowrQuad Plus/AutoQuad Plus: 60 L
15.9 U.S. gal.
Interval for engine oil change 500 hours
Interval for hydraulic/transmission oil change 1500 hours
Interval for engine coolant change 6000 hours
Hydraulic system
Joystick SCV control Mechanical/electrical
Engine performance
Maximum engine power 98 kW
133 hp
w/ IPM: 106 kW
144 hp
Intelligent Power Management (available in transport and/or mobile PTO applications) 14.9 kW
20 hp
Power boost 10 percent
Reverser Electronic left-hand reverser
Creeper Optional
Rear hitch
Remote control valves available Standard
Rear axle differential lock Electrohydraulically with oil-cooled clutch
Rear power take-off (PTO)
PTO actuation In-cab switch and external fender-mounted remote control
Front hitch
Category 3N
Electric power Seven-pin electrical socket
Rear axle
Brakes, type and control Primary brake (footbrake): Oil-cooled self-equalizing, self-adjusting, hydraulically actuated
Secondary brake: Hydraulically actuated, integrated into primary brake (lever on left-hand side of operator seat)
Park lock: Mechanical transmission park lock
Mechanical front-wheel drive (MFWD) braking: Automatic MFWD engagement (MFWD engaged for braking at speeds less than 5 km/h [3.1 mph])
Front axle brakes (optional): TLS™ with front axle brakes (oil cooled, self-equalizing, self-adjusting, hydraulically actuated)
Front 540/65R24 (134)
Rear 600/65R38 (175)
Electrical system
Type of bulb in headlight (Halogen, Zenon, LED)
Type of bulb in beacon (Halogen, Zenon, LED)
Operator station
Cab suspension Optional: Mechanical Cab Suspension (MCS)
Radio Optional integrated
dB(A) rating 70 dBA
Wheelbase 2400 mm
94.5 in.
Overall length 4377 mm
172.3 in.
Overall height 2940 mm
115.75 in.
Front axle center Ground clearance: Minimum.: 364 mm
14.3 in.
Maximum: 559 mm
22 in.
Approximate shipping weight, Open;Cab Cab: 5680 kg
12,522 lb
Loader 600R
Lift capacity at full height Non-self-leveling (NSL): 2347 kg
5174.24 lb
Mechanical self-leveling (MSL): 1898 kg
4184.37 lb
Maximum lift height NSL/MSL: 3.9 m
153.56 in.
Precision AG
Guidance Optional: AutoTrac™ on cornerpost display (straight track only), AutoTrac with 4240/4640 Universal Display
Telematic Optional: JDLink™
Remote diagnostics Optional: JDLink
Country of manufacture Germany
Engine performance
Maximum PTO power At 1000 PTO rpm with IPM: 87 kW
118 hp
Overall width Minimum: 2000 mm (420/85R30 (148)) 78.74 in.
Maximum: 2550 mm (600/65R38 (175)) 100.39 in.
*Manufacturer's suggested price. MSRP may be different in California. Taxes, freight, setup, and delivery not included. Optional accessories and attachments not included. Equipment, models and prices may vary by dealer. Product options and accessories may not be available in all regions. The engine horsepower and torque information are provided by the engine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only. Actual operating horsepower and torque will be less. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s website for additional information. Offers valid in the United States. Prices in U.S. dollars.

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Belle Glade, FL 33430

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