The first step to controlling those pesky weeds in your lawn is correctly identifying them. Here is a short guide to help you do that.
Broadleaf Plantain - Plantago rugelii and Plantago major
- Perennial
- Large, wavy-edged and rounded leaves
- Long tap root similar to Dandelion
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Bull Thistle - Cirsium vulgare
- Biennial
- Grow in rosette with spiny leaves
- Purple blossoms are produced in second year
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Buttonweed - Diodia virginiana
- Perennial
- Produces shoots and seeds
- Thrives in areas of high moisture or poor drainage
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Clover (white) - Trifolium repens
- Perennial
- Prickly seed pod
- Three oblong leaflets with serrated edges in a clover shape
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Chickweed - Stellaria media, common chickweed
- Annual
- Numerous prostrate stems that produce roots from their nodes
- Star-like small white flowers
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Crabgrass - Digitaria sp.
- Annual
- Flat blades with sharp points
- Seed head composed of three to ten finger- like racemes or spikes
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Dallisgrass - Paspalum dilatatum
- Perennial
- 1/2” wide yellow-green, coarse leaf blade
- Adapts to areas of poor drainage
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Dandelion - Taraxacum officnale
- Perennial
- Germinates during summer
- Large yellow flowers mature into round seeded puffballs
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Florida Beggarweed - Desmodium tortuosum
- Summer annual
- Can reach 9 ft. in height
- Segmented fruit that sticks to clothing
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Florida Pusley - (Richardia scabra)
- Summer annual
- Flowers are white and grow in clips at the end of the stems
- Flower is star-shaped with six connected parts to form a tube
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Goosegrass - Eleusine indica
- Annual
- Leaves are folded in the bug with overlapping sheaths
- Seed head forms with up to ten finger-like spikes
- Broader than crabgrass
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Matchweed - Lippia nodiflora
- Perennial
- Purple and white flowers that emerge at the tip of the seed stalk
- Spreads by both seeds and stolons
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Nutsedge - Cvperus esculents (yellow - left), Cvperus rotundus (purple - right)
- Perennial
- Also known as nutgrass (but is not a grass)
- Yellow nutsedge has single tubers at root ends
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Pennywort (Dollarweed) - Hydrocotvle verticillata
- Perennial
- Grows from rhizomes, tubers, and seed
- Round, approximately 1-inch diameter glossy leaves
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Quackgrass - Agropyron repens
- Perennial
- Blue-green, rough-bladed
- Spike seed head resembling perennial ryegrass
- Difficult to control
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Spurge - Euphorbia maculate & E. supine
- Annual
- Begins germination when soil temperatures reach 85F
- Small, oval, opposite leaves vary from dark green to red with a brown blotch on the surface
- Prolific seed producer
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Yellow Woodsorrel - Oxalic stricta
- Annual to short lived perennial
- Pale green, heart-shaped leaves of three
- Abundant seeds produced
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