Winter doesn’t mean it’s time to kick back and relax. There are lots of things you can do while you wait for the weather to warm up. Now’s the time to start prepping for the next planting and harvest seasons.
Everglades Equipment group has everything you need to know as well as all the right equipment to help you this year. Stop by one of our locations all across central and southern Florida and let us know how we can help you help you stay busy this winter.
Review your Data
Last season, you should have gathered lots of data as you were harvesting your fields and processing your crops. Now, it’s time to really look at that data. Figure out what did and what didn’t work and make some theories as to why so you can learn from what you’ve gathered. You might find that some of the experiments you performed in some fields worked better than others. Maybe there are signals your soil is sending you about how you should adjust your planting choices. You can also continue to perform tests to gather even more information. This kind of information can tell you what you need to know about your farm and how it might be changing.
Harvesting Equipment Maintenance
Now that your harvesting equipment is put away, you’ll want to take some time to really inspect each machine. Even if you did this before putting them away for the winter, now’s the time to address any of those concerns you may have spotted, but didn’t have time to repair. All your forage harvesters, hay mergers, and other big equipment might need some work before they’re ready for next season. This way, you won’t have to delay or pause work when it matters most.
Repair Other Important Structures
Take a look at some of the buildings you keep your machines, livestock, and other important items in. Are they up to par? If not, now’s the time to fix them, especially any livestock shelters you might have. The winter is going to be long for them, so make sure they have plenty of room in their pens and that they’re well-fed and hydrated.
Florida doesn’t always see freezing temperatures, but if you see a cold snap coming, then prepare your water pipes for this extreme weather. Keep the feed and hay dry to avoid mold and patch up any holes you spot in the structure, so no cold air seeps in.
Growing Winter Crops
Florida is one of those parts of the country that sees pretty mild winters. In fact, average lows only reach about 65F. This might be a little cold to us, but in the world of agriculture, it’s perfect for continued crop growth. You’ll want to take what you know about your soil and find good winter crops to grow while you wait for the warmer months to return. You can even continue to grow some of the more tropical foods, like oranges and grapefruit.
Upgrade your Current Equipment
Now’s also a great time to reevaluate some of your current equipment. Some machines you’ll be able to keep, but others might be wearing down, or maybe you’ve outgrown them. With many dealerships restocking with brand new equipment, like harvesting equipment, now’s the time to start looking for new machines and new upgrades and even equipment that you know will be helpful for the next season.