Harvest and Connect Mobile iOS App from John Deere

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The modern age of agriculture is less about the hardware you’re using in your fields and more about the software. The right programs can help you collect more accurate data, which can help you adjust your strategies as you need to.

John Deere is an industry leader when it comes to cutting edge programs and we’ve already touched on them broadly in our last post. However, we’d like to focus one of the more popular programs--and possibly more helpful for you--to really get an insider’s look at how things work and what these programs can do for you. The Harvest and Connect Mobile iOS app from John Deere® can make some of your more difficult tasks much easier, so read on to learn more about them. You can also stop by Everglades Equipment Group, serving all of central and southern Florida, and chat with one of our experienced staff about these programs along with other John Deere® apps.

Monitor Harvest Performance

One of the most useful features on the app is the program used to collect data from your harvest and monitor performance in your equipment. It uses a series of layered maps that’ll provide more accurate information while you’re operating your machine. This includes:

  • Ground Speed - This will tell you how fast your combine is moving in a particular field.
  • Moisture - Displayed in percentages, this will provide you the moisture content of a crop in a particular part of your field. You can also document and display this measurement using the GreenStar™ 3 (GS3) 2630 Display and 4600 CommandCenter™ display harvest documentation data
  • Dry yield - This function then removes the moisture content to give you a more accurate measurement of crop yield.
  • Wet yield - This measurement does not remove the moisture content and displays the total harvest in mass per area for any given part of your field. You can also display and document this information using the GS3 2630 and 4600 CommandCenter harvest documentation data.

Integrate with Existing John Deere Technology

For those who already have some of the older John Deere technology, you’ll find that Harvest Mobile works well with the programs you already use on a regular basis, including the GreenStar™ 3 (GS3) 2630 Display or 4600 CommandCenter™ display, Harvest Doc™ mapping system, and combine controller software. You will, however, need a slightly newer combine that’s all set up for this kind of technology, or find a way to upgrade your systems. But if your own tablet is already set up to collect harvest data, then you’ll find that the programs you already use can easily hook up wirelessly to your phone and Harvest Mobile app to help you streamline sending data and files between the two technologies.

Interactive Combine Adjustment

Interactive Combine Adjustment (ICA) allows you to adjust and improve your combine’s performance so you can prioritize different harvesting needs and optimize your yield. ICA also recommends adjustments you can make to your equipment to improve and optimize performance. All you have to do is select the recommendation and the adjustment will be made. Explore the many data options you can display on your tablet or smartphone.

Field Review

Use the Field Review function to create intricate maps of your fields that provide you with lots of useful information, particularly when it comes to harvest data. View this data anywhere using the Harvest Mobile app and select any field to create up to four layers of mapping documentation. This will make scouting and evaluating much easier so you can adjust for next year.

As important as today’s software is, it doesn’t replace the importance of hardware, only augments it. So if you’re still looking for the right heavy equipment to make harvesting and field work easier, then stop by Everglades Equipment Group all around central and southern Florida to check out what we have available right now.

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